side·wise /ˈsaɪdˌwaɪz/
2. A heavy swinging blow from the side, which disables an adversary. [Slang.]
Side·wise adv. On or toward one side; laterally; sideways.
I saw them mask their awful glance
Sidewise meek in gossamer lids. --Emerson.
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adv 1: toward one side; "the car slipped sideways into the ditch";
"leaning sideways"; "a figure moving sidewise in the
shadows" [syn: sideways, sideway]
2: with one side forward or to the front; "turned sideways to
show the profile"; "crabs seeming to walk sidewise" [syn:
sideways, sideway]
3: from the side; obliquely; "a picture lit sideways"; "scenes
viewed sidewise" [syn: sideway, sideways]