de·bris /dəˈbri, deˈ, ˈdeˌ, ||ˈdɛ(ˌ)bri/
de·bris =/dəˈbrɪ, deˈ, ˈdeˌ, <ɪ>ɑrɪtɪʃ usuællj ˈdɛb(ˌ)rɪ/= 名詞
Dé·bris n.
1. Geol. Broken and detached fragments, taken collectively; especially, fragments detached from a rock or mountain, and piled up at the base.
2. Rubbish, especially such as results from the destruction of anything; remains; ruins.
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n : the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken
up [syn: dust, junk, rubble, detritus]