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3 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 such /ˈsʌʧ, ˈsɪʧ/
 (a.)這樣的,那?的;上述的,所述的 這樣的人,這樣的事(ad.)那?

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Such a.
 1. Of that kind; of the like kind; like; resembling; similar; as, we never saw such a day; -- followed by that or as introducing the word or proposition which defines the similarity, or the standard of comparison; as, the books are not such that I can recommend them, or, not such as I can recommend; these apples are not such as those we saw yesterday; give your children such precepts as tend to make them better.
 And in his time such a conqueror
 That greater was there none under the sun.   --Chaucer.
    His misery was such that none of the bystanders could refrain from weeping.   --Macaulay.
 Note:The indefinite article a or an never precedes such, but is placed between it and the noun to which it refers; as, such a man; such an honor. The indefinite adjective some, several, one, few, many, all, etc., precede such; as, one such book is enough; all such people ought to be avoided; few such ideas were then held.
 2. Having the particular quality or character specified.
 That thou art happy, owe to God;
 That thou continuest such, owe to thyself.   --Milton.
 3. The same that; -- with as; as, this was the state of the kingdom at such time as the enemy landed. “[It] hath such senses as we have.”
 4. Certain; -- representing the object as already particularized in terms which are not mentioned.
 In rushed one and tells him such a knight
 Is new arrived.   --Daniel.
    To-day or to-morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year.   --James iv. 13.
 Note:Such is used pronominally. “He was the father of such as dwell in tents.” --Gen. iv. 20. Such as I are free in spirit when our limbs are chained.” --Sir W. Scott. Such is also used before adjectives joined to substantives; as, the fleet encountered such a terrible storm that it put back. “Everything was managed with so much care, and such excellent order was observed.” --De Foe.
    Temple sprung from a family which . . . long after his death produced so many eminent men, and formed such distinguished alliances, that, etc.   --Macaulay.
 Such is used emphatically, without the correlative.
 Now will he be mocking:
 I shall have such a life.   --Shak.
 Such was formerly used with numerals in the sense of times as much or as many; as, such ten, or ten times as many.
 Such and such, or Such or such, certain; some; -- used to represent the object indefinitely, as already particularized in one way or another, or as being of one kind or another. “In such and such a place shall be my camp.” --2 Kings vi. 8. “Sovereign authority may enact a law commanding such and such an action.” --South.
 Such like or Such character, of the like kind.
    And many other such like things ye do.   --Mark vii. 8.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: of a kind specified or understood; "it's difficult to please
             such people"; "on such a night as this"; "animals such
             as lions and tigers" [syn: such(a), such as]
      2: of a degree or quality specified (by the `that' clause);
         "their anxiety was such that they could not sleep" [syn: such(p),
          such that]
      3: of so extreme a degree or extent; "such weeping"; "so much
         weeping"; "such a help"; "such grief"; "never dreamed of
         such beauty" [syn: such(a), so much]
      adv : to so extreme a degree; "he is such a baby"; "Such rich