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8 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 many /ˈmɛni/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 一對多; 一對多( 的 )

From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ma·ny n.  A retinue of servants; a household. [Obs.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ma·ny, a. & pron.
 Note: [It has no variation to express degrees of comparison; more and most, which are used for the comparative and superlative degrees, are from a different root.]  Consisting of a great number; numerous; not few.
    Thou shalt be a father of many nations.   --Gen. xvii. 4.
    Not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.   --1 Cor. i. 26.
 Note:Many is freely prefixed to participles, forming compounds which need no special explanation; as, many-angled, many-celled, many-eyed, many-footed, many-handed, many-leaved, many-lettered, many-named, many-peopled, many-petaled, many-seeded, many-syllabled (polysyllabic), many-tongued, many-voiced, many-wived, and the like.  In such usage it is equivalent to multi.
     Comparison is often expressed by many with as or so. “As many as were willing hearted . . . brought bracelets.” --Exod. xxxv. 22. “So many laws argue so many sins.” --Milton.
     Many stands with a singular substantive with a or an.
 Many a, a large number taken distributively; each one of many. “For thy sake have I shed many a tear.” --Shak. “Full many a gem of purest ray serene.” --Gray.
 Many one, many a one; many persons. --Bk. of Com. Prayer.
 The many, the majority; -- opposed to the few. See Many, n.
 Too many, too numerous; hence, too powerful; as, they are too many for us.
 Syn: -- Numerous; multiplied; frequent; manifold; various; divers; sundry.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ma·ny, n.
 1. The populace; the common people; the majority of people, or of a community.
    After him the rascal many ran.   --Spenser.
 2. A large or considerable number.
 A many of our bodies shall no doubt
 Find native graves.   --Shak.
    Seeing a great many in rich gowns.   --Addison.
    It will be concluded by many that he lived like an honest man.   --Fielding.
 Note:In this sense, many is connected immediately with another substantive (without of) to show of what the many consists; as, a good many [of] people think so.
    He is liable to a great many inconveniences.   --Tillotson.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj : a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often
            preceded by `as' or `too' or `so' or `that'; amounting
            to a large but indefinite number; "many temptations";
            "the temptations are many"; "a good many"; "a great
            many"; "many directions"; "take as many apples as you
            like"; "too many clouds to see"; "never saw so many
            people" [ant: few]