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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 oth·er /ˈʌðɚ/
 (a.)別的,其他的,其他的,另外的 別人,其他人,其餘的人或物

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Oth·er conj.  Either; -- used with other or or for its correlative (as either . . . or are now used). [Obs.]
    Other of chalk, other of glass.   --Chaucer.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Oth·er, pron. & a.  Usage: [Formerly other was used both as singular and plural.]
 1. Different from that which, or the one who, has been specified; not the same; not identical; additional; second of two.
    Each of them made other for to win.   --Chaucer.
    Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.   --Matt. v. 39.
 2. Not this, but the contrary; opposite; as, the other side of a river.
 3. Alternate; second; -- used esp. in connection with every; as, every other day, that is, each alternate day, every second day.
 4. Left, as opposed to right. [Obs.]
    A distaff in her other hand she had.   --Spenser.
 Note:Other is a correlative adjective, or adjective pronoun, often in contrast with one, some, that, this, etc.
    The one shall be taken, and the other left.   --Matt. xxiv. 41.
    And some fell among thorns . . . but other fell into good ground.   --Matt. xiii. 7, 8.
    It is also used, by ellipsis, with a noun, expressed or understood.
    To write this, or to design the other.   --Dryden.
    It is written with the indefinite article as one word, another; is used with each, indicating a reciprocal action or relation; and is employed absolutely, or eliptically for other thing, or other person, in which case it may have a plural.
    The fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others.   --Ps. xlix. 10.
    If he is trimming, others are true.   --Thackeray.
    Other is sometimes followed by but, beside, or besides; but oftener by than.
    No other but such a one as he.   --Coleridge.
    Other lords beside thee have had dominion over us.   --Is. xxvi. 13.
    For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid.   --1 Cor. iii. 11.
    The whole seven years of . . . ignominy had been little other than a preparation for this very hour.   --Hawthorne.
 Other some, some others. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
 The other day, at a certain time past, not distant, but indefinite; not long ago; recently; rarely, the third day past.
 Bind my hair up: as 't was yesterday?
 No, nor t' other day.   --B. Jonson.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Oth·er adv. Otherwise. “It shall none other be.” --Chaucer. “If you think other.” --Shak.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied;
             "today isn't any other day"- the White Queen; "the
             construction of highways and other public works"; "he
             asked for other employment"; "any other person would
             tell the truth"; "his other books are still in
             storage"; "then we looked at the other house";
             "hearing was good in his other ear"; "the other sex";
             "she lived on the other side of the street from me";
             "went in the other direction" [ant: same]
      2: further or added; "called for additional troops"; "need
         extra help"; "an extra pair of shoes"; "I have no other
         shoes"; "there are other possibilities" [syn: extra, other(a),
      3: recently past; "the other evening" [syn: other(a)]
      4: of the distant past; "the early inhabitants of Europe";
         "former generations"; "in other times" [syn: early(a), former(a),
      5: very unusual; different in character or quality from the
         normal or expected; "a strange, other dimension...where
         his powers seemed to fail"- Lance Morrow