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3 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 there /ˈðær, ˈðɛr/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 There adv.
 1. In or at that place. “[They] there left me and my man, both bound together.”
    The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.   --Ge. ii. 8.
 Note:In distinction from here, there usually signifies a place farther off. “Darkness there might well seem twilight here.” --Milton.
 2. In that matter, relation, etc.; at that point, stage, etc., regarded as a distinct place; as, he did not stop there, but continued his speech.
 The law that theaten'd death becomes thy friend
 And turns it to exile; there art thou happy.   --Shak.
 3. To or into that place; thither.
    The rarest that e'er came there.   --Shak.
 Note:There is sometimes used by way of exclamation, calling the attention to something, especially to something distant; as, there, there! see there! look there! There is often used as an expletive, and in this use, when it introduces a sentence or clause, the verb precedes its subject.
    A knight there was, and that a worthy man.   --Chaucer.
    There is a path which no fowl knoweth.   --Job xxviii. 7.
    Wherever there is a sense or perception, there some idea is actually produced.   --Locke.
    There have been that have delivered themselves from their ills by their good fortune or virtue.   --Suckling.
 Note:There is much used in composition, and often has the sense of a pronoun. See Thereabout, Thereafter, Therefrom, etc.
 Note:There was formerly used in the sense of where.
    Spend their good there it is reasonable.   --Chaucer.
 Here and there, in one place and another.
 Syn: -- See Thither.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n : a location other than here; that place; "you can take it
          from there" [ant: here]
      adv 1: in or at that place; "they have lived there for years";
             "it's not there"; "that man [who is] there" [syn: at
             that place, in that location] [ant: here]
      2: in that matter; "I agree with you there" [syn: in that
         respect, on that point]
      3: to or toward that place; away from the speaker; "go there
         around noon!" [syn: thither] [ant: here]