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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pin·tail n.
 1. Zool. A northern duck (Dafila acuta), native of both continents. The adult male has a long, tapering tail. Called also gray duck, piketail, piket-tail, spike-tail, split-tail, springtail, sea pheasant, and gray widgeon.
 2. Zool. The sharp-tailed grouse of the great plains and Rocky Mountains (Pediocætes phasianellus); -- called also pintailed grouse, pintailed chicken, springtail, and sharptail.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Widg·eon n.  Zool. Any one of several species of fresh-water ducks, especially those belonging to the subgenus Mareca, of the genus Anas. The common European widgeon (Anas penelope) and the American widgeon (Anas Americana) are the most important species. The latter is called also baldhead, baldpate, baldface, baldcrown, smoking duck, wheat, duck, and whitebelly.
 Bald-faced widgeon, or Green-headed widgeon, the American widgeon.
 Black widgeon, the European tufted duck.
 Gray widgeon. (a) The gadwall. (b) The pintail duck.
 Great headed widgeon, the poachard.
 Pied widgeon. (a) The poachard. (b) The goosander.
 Saw-billed widgeon, the merganser.
 Sea widgeon. See in the Vocabulary.
 Spear widgeon, the goosander. [Prov. Eng.]
 Spoonbilled widgeon, the shoveler.
 White widgeon, the smew.
 Wood widgeon, the wood duck.