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1 definition found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ex·press, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Expressed p. pr. & vb. n. Expressing.]
 1. To press or squeeze out; as, to express the juice of grapes, or of apples; hence, to extort; to elicit.
    All the fruits out of which drink is expressed.   --Bacon.
    And th'idle breath all utterly expressed.   --Spenser.
 Halters and racks can not express from thee
 More than by deeds.   --B. Jonson.
 2. To make or offer a representation of; to show by a copy or likeness; to represent; to resemble.
    Each skillful artist shall express thy form.   --E. Smith.
    So kids and whelps their sires and dams express.   --Dryden.
 3. To give a true impression of; to represent and make known; to manifest plainly; to show in general; to exhibit, as an opinion or feeling, by a look, gesture, and esp. by language; to declare; to utter; to tell.
    My words express my purpose.   --Shak.
    They expressed in their lives those excellent doctrines of morality.   --Addison.
 4. To make known the opinions or feelings of; to declare what is in the mind of; to show (one's self); to cause to appear; -- used reflexively.
    Mr. Phillips did express with much indignation against me, one evening.   --Pope.
 5. To denote; to designate.
    Moses and Aaron took these men, which are expressed by their names.   --Num. i. 17.
 6. To send by express messenger; to forward by special opportunity, or through the medium of an express; as, to express a package.
 Syn: -- To declare; utter; signify; testify; intimate.