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2 definitions found

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    the capital of ancient Lycaonia. It was first visited by Paul
    and Barnabas from Antioch-in-Pisidia during the apostle's first
    missionary journey (Acts 13:50, 51). Here they were persecuted
    by the Jews, and being driven from the city, they fled to
    Lystra. They afterwards returned to Iconium, and encouraged the
    church which had been founded there (14:21,22). It was probably
    again visited by Paul during his third missionary journey along
    with Silas (18:23). It is the modern Konieh, at the foot of
    Mount Taurus, about 120 miles inland from the Mediterranean.

From: Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)

 Iconium, coming