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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 bul·rush /ˈbʊlˌrʌʃ/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bul·rush n.  Bot. A kind of large rush, growing in wet land or in water.
 Note:The name bulrush is applied in England especially to the cat-tail (Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia) and to the lake club-rush (Scirpus lacustris); in America, to the Juncus effusus, and also to species of Scirpus or club-rush.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: tall marsh plant with cylindrical seed heads that explode
           when mature shedding large quantities of down; its long
           flat leaves are used for making mats and chair seats; of
           North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa [syn: cat's-tail,
            bullrush, nailrod, reed mace, reedmace, Typha
      2: tall rush with soft erect or arching stems found in Eurasia,
         Australia, New Zealand, and common in North America [syn:
         bullrush, common rush, soft rush, Juncus effusus]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    (1.) In Isa. 58:5 the rendering of a word which denotes
    "belonging to a marsh," from the nature of the soil in which it
    grows (Isa. 18:2). It was sometimes platted into ropes (Job.
    41:2; A.V., "hook," R.V., "rope," lit. "cord of rushes").
      (2.) In Ex. 2:3, Isa. 18:2 (R.V., "papyrus") this word is the
    translation of the Hebrew _gome_, which designates the plant as
    absorbing moisture. In Isa. 35:7 and Job 8:11 it is rendered
    "rush." This was the Egyptian papyrus (papyrus Nilotica). It was
    anciently very abundant in Egypt. The Egyptians made garments
    and shoes and various utensils of it. It was used for the
    construction of the ark of Moses (Ex. 2:3, 5). The root portions
    of the stem were used for food. The inside bark was cut into
    strips, which were sewed together and dried in the sun, forming
    the papyrus used for writing. It is no longer found in Egypt,
    but grows luxuriantly in Palestine, in the marshes of the Huleh,
    and in the swamps at the north end of the Lake of Gennesaret.
    (See CANE.)