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3 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 in particular

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Par·tic·u·lar n.
 1. A separate or distinct member of a class, or part of a whole; an individual fact, point, circumstance, detail, or item, which may be considered separately; as, the particulars of a story.
    Particulars which it is not lawful for me to reveal.   --Bacon.
    It is the greatest interest of particulars to advance the good of the community.   --L'Estrange.
 2. Special or personal peculiarity, trait, or character; individuality; interest, etc. [Obs.]
    For his particular I'll receive him gladly.   --Shak.
    If the particulars of each person be considered.   --Milton.
    Temporal blessings, whether such as concern the public . . . or such as concern our particular.   --Whole Duty of Man.
 3. Law One of the details or items of grounds of claim; -- usually in the pl.; also, a bill of particulars; a minute account; as, a particular of premises.
    The reader has a particular of the books wherein this law was written.   --Ayliffe.
 Bill of particulars. See under Bill.
 In particular, specially; specifically; peculiarly; particularly; especially. “This, in particular, happens to the lungs.” --Blackmore.
 To go into particulars, to relate or describe in detail or minutely.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

 in particular
      adv : specifically or especially distinguished from others; "loves
            Bach, particularly his partitas"; "recommended one book
            in particular"; "trace major population movements for
            the Pueblo groups in particular" [syn: particularly]