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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 ed·u·ca·tion /ˌɛʤəˈkeʃən/

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From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ed·u·ca·tion n.  The act or process of educating; the result of educating, as determined by the knowledge skill, or discipline of character, acquired; also, the act or process of training by a prescribed or customary course of study or discipline; as, an education for the bar or the pulpit; he has finished his education.
    To prepare us for complete living is the function which education has to discharge.   --H. Spenser.
 Syn: -- Education, Instruction, Teaching, Training, Breeding.
 Usage: Education, properly a drawing forth, implies not so much the communication of knowledge as the discipline of the intellect, the establishment of the principles, and the regulation of the heart. Instruction is that part of education which furnishes the mind with knowledge. Teaching is the same, being simply more familiar. It is also applied to practice; as, teaching to speak a language; teaching a dog to do tricks. Training is a department of education in which the chief element is exercise or practice for the purpose of imparting facility in any physical or mental operation. Breeding commonly relates to the manners and outward conduct.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: the activities of educating or instructing or teaching;
           activities that impart knowledge or skill; "he received
           no formal education"; "our instruction was carefully
           programmed"; "good teaching is seldom rewarded" [syn: instruction,
            teaching, pedagogy, educational activity]
      2: knowledge acquired by learning and instruction; "it was
         clear that he had a very broad education"
      3: the gradual process of acquiring knowledge; "education is a
         preparation for life"; "a girl's education was less
         important than a boy's"
      4: the profession of teaching (especially at a school or
         college or university)
      5: the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of
         correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and
         refinement" [syn: training, breeding]
      6: the United States federal department that administers all
         federal programs dealing with education (including federal
         aid to educational institutions and students); created
         1979 [syn: Department of Education, Education