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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 men·tion /ˈmɛn(t)ʃən/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Men·tion n.  A speaking or notice of anything, -- usually in a brief or cursory manner. Used especially in the phrase to make mention of.
    I will make mention of thy righteousness.   --Ps. lxxi. 16.
 And sleep in dull, cold marble, where no mention
 Of me more must be heard of.   --Shak.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Men·tion v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mentioned p. pr. & vb. n. Mentioning.]  To make mention of; to speak briefly of; to name.
    I will mention the loving-kindnesses of the Lord.   --Is. lxiii. 7.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a remark that calls attention to something or someone; "she
           made frequent mention of her promotion"; "there was no
           mention of it"; "the speaker made several references to
           his wife" [syn: reference]
      2: a short note recognizing a source of information or of a
         quoted passage; "the student's essay failed to list
         several important citations"; "the acknowledgments are
         usually printed at the front of a book"; "the article
         includes mention of similar clinical cases" [syn: citation,
          acknowledgment, credit, reference, quotation]
      3: an official recognition of merit; "although he didn't win
         the prize he did get special mention" [syn: honorable
      v 1: make reference to; "His name was mentioned in connection
           with the invention" [syn: advert, bring up, cite,
           name, refer]
      2: make mention of; "She observed that his presentation took up
         too much time"; "They noted that it was a fine day to go
         sailing" [syn: note, observe, remark]
      3: commend; "he was cited for his outstanding achievements"
         [syn: cite]