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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Rig·ging n. Dress; tackle; especially Naut., the ropes, chains, etc., that support the masts and spars of a vessel, and serve as purchases for adjusting the sails, etc. See Illustr. of Ship and Sails.
 Running rigging Naut., all those ropes used in bracing the yards, making and shortening sail, etc., such as braces, sheets, halyards, clew lines, and the like.
 Standing rigging Naut., the shrouds and stays.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Run·ning a.
 1. Moving or advancing by running. Specifically, of a horse: (a) Having a running gait; not a trotter or pacer. (b) trained and kept for running races; as, a running horse.
 2. Successive; one following the other without break or intervention; -- said of periods of time; as, to be away two days running; to sow land two years running.
 3. Flowing; easy; cursive; as, a running hand.
 4. Continuous; keeping along step by step; as, he stated the facts with a running explanation. “A running conquest.”
    What are art and science if not a running commentary on Nature?   --Hare.
 5. Bot. Extending by a slender climbing or trailing stem; as, a running vine.
 6. Med. Discharging pus; as, a running sore.
 Running block Mech., a block in an arrangement of pulleys which rises or sinks with the weight which is raised or lowered.
 Running board, a narrow platform extending along the side of a locomotive.
 Running bowsprit Naut. Same as Reefing bowsprit.
 Running days Com., the consecutive days occupied on a voyage under a charter party, including Sundays and not limited to the working days. --Simmonds.
 Running fire, a constant fire of musketry or cannon.
 Running gear, the wheels and axles of a vehicle, and their attachments, in distinction from the body; all the working parts of a locomotive or other machine, in distinction from the framework.
 Running hand, a style of rapid writing in which the letters are usually slanted and the words formed without lifting the pen; -- distinguished from round hand.
 Running part Naut., that part of a rope that is hauled upon, -- in distinction from the standing part.
 Running rigging Naut., that part of a ship's rigging or ropes which passes through blocks, etc.; -- in distinction from standing rigging.
 Running title Print., the title of a book or chapter continued from page to page on the upper margin.