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1 definition found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Shep·herd n.
 1. A man employed in tending, feeding, and guarding sheep, esp. a flock grazing at large.
 2. The pastor of a church; one with the religious guidance of others.
 Shepherd bird Zool., the crested screamer. See Screamer.
 Shepherd dog Zool., a breed of dogs used largely for the herding and care of sheep. There are several kinds, as the collie, or Scotch shepherd dog, and the English shepherd dog. Called also shepherd's dog.
 Shepherd dog, a name of Pan. --Keats.
 Shepherd kings, the chiefs of a nomadic people who invaded Egypt from the East in the traditional period, and conquered it, at least in part. They were expelled after about five hundred years, and attempts have been made to connect their expulsion with narrative in the book of Exodus.
 Shepherd's club Bot., the common mullein. See Mullein.
 Shepherd's crook, a long staff having the end curved so as to form a large hook, -- used by shepherds.
 Shepherd's needle Bot., the lady's comb.
 Shepherd's plaid, a kind of woolen cloth of a checkered black and white pattern.
 Shephered spider Zool., a daddy longlegs, or harvestman.
 Shepherd's pouch, or Shepherd's purse Bot., an annual cruciferous plant (Capsella Bursapastoris) bearing small white flowers and pouchlike pods. See Illust. of Silicle.
 Shepherd's rod, or Shepherd's staff Bot., the small teasel.