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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 vi·cious /ˈvɪʃəs/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 vi·cious /ˈvɪʃəs/ 形容詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Vi·cious a.
 1. Characterized by vice or defects; defective; faulty; imperfect.
    Though I perchance am vicious in my guess.   --Shak.
    The title of these lords was vicious in its origin.   --Burke.
    A charge against Bentley of vicious reasoning.   --De Quincey.
 2. Addicted to vice; corrupt in principles or conduct; depraved; wicked; as, vicious children; vicious examples; vicious conduct.
 Who . . . heard this heavy curse,
 Servant of servants, on his vicious race.   --Milton.
 3. Wanting purity; foul; bad; noxious; as, vicious air, water, etc.
 4. Not correct or pure; corrupt; as, vicious language; vicious idioms.
 5. Not well tamed or broken; given to bad tricks; unruly; refractory; as, a vicious horse.
 6. Bitter; spiteful; malignant.  [Colloq.]
 Syn: -- Corrupt; faulty; wicked; depraved.
 -- Vi*cious*ly, adv. -- Vi*cious*ness, n.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict
             pain or suffering; "a barbarous crime"; "brutal
             beatings"; "cruel tortures"; "Stalin's roughshod
             treatment of the kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious
             kicks" [syn: barbarous, brutal, cruel, fell, roughshod,
      2: having the nature of vice [syn: depraved, evil]
      3: marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful; "a malevolent
         lie"; "poisonous hate...in his eyes"- Ernest Hemingway;
         "venomous criticism"; "vicious gossip" [syn: poisonous,