ter·bi·um /ˈtɝbiəm/
ter·bi·um /ˈtɝbɪəm/ 名詞
Ter·bi·um n. Chem. A rare metallic element, found in certain minerals, as gadolinite and samarskite, with other rare earths such as ytterbium. Symbol Tb. Atomic number 65. Atomic weight 158.925.
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n : a metallic element of the rare earth group; used in lasers;
occurs in apatite and monazite and xenotime and ytterbite
[syn: Tb, atomic number 65]
Symbol: Tb
Atomic number: 65
Atomic weight: 158.924
Silvery metallic element belonging to the lanthanoids. Tb-159 is the only
stable isotope, there are seventeen artificial isotopes. Discovered by
G.G. Mosander in 1843.