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3 definitions found

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
 noun, used as a suffix

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 Godan verb with `ku' ending
 intransitive verb
 to well (up)
 to gush forth (of water)
 to spring out
 to surge
 to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.)
 to feel emotions form (joy, bravery, etc.)
 to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 Godan verb with `ku' ending
 intransitive verb
 to grow hot (of water, etc.)
 to boil
 to be in a state of excitement
 to get excited
 to take place energetically
 to erupt (e.g. in applause, cheers)