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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 adop·tion /əˈdɑpʃən/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 A·dop·tion n.
 1. The act of adopting, or state of being adopted; voluntary acceptance of a child of other parents to be the same as one's own child.
 2. Admission to a more intimate relation; reception; as, the adoption of persons into hospitals or monasteries, or of one society into another.
 3. The choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so; acceptance; as, the adoption of opinions.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception;
           "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide
           acceptance" [syn: acceptance, acceptation, espousal]
      2: a legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation
         between persons not related by blood; the adopted child is
         entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child of
         the adoptive parents (including the right to inherit)
      3: the appropriation (of ideas or words etc) from another
         source; "the borrowing of ancient motifs was very
         apparent" [syn: borrowing]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    the giving to any one the name and place and privileges of a son
    who is not a son by birth.
      (1.) Natural. Thus Pharaoh's daughter adopted Moses (Ex.
    2:10), and Mordecai Esther (Esther 2:7).
      (2.) National. God adopted Israel (Ex. 4:22; Deut. 7:6; Hos.
    11:1; Rom. 9:4).
      (3.) Spiritual. An act of God's grace by which he brings men
    into the number of his redeemed family, and makes them partakers
    of all the blessings he has provided for them. Adoption
    represents the new relations into which the believer is
    introduced by justification, and the privileges connected
    therewith, viz., an interest in God's peculiar love (John 17:23;
    Rom. 5:5-8), a spiritual nature (2 Pet. 1:4; John 1:13), the
    possession of a spirit becoming children of God (1 Pet. 1:14; 2
    John 4; Rom. 8:15-21; Gal. 5:1; Heb. 2:15), present protection,
    consolation, supplies (Luke 12:27-32; John 14:18; 1 Cor.
    3:21-23; 2 Cor. 1:4), fatherly chastisements (Heb. 12:5-11), and
    a future glorious inheritance (Rom. 8:17,23; James 2:5; Phil.