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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Car·bam·ic a.  Chem. Pertaining to an acid so called.
 Carbamic acid Chem., an amido acid, H2N.CO2.H, not existing in the free state, but occurring as a salt of ammonium in commercial ammonium carbonate; -- called also amido formic acid.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 For·mic a.  Chem. Pertaining to, or derived from, ants; as, formic acid; in an extended sense, pertaining to, or derived from, formic acid; as, formic ether.
 Amido formic acid, carbamic acid.
 Formic acid, a colorless, mobile liquid, HCO.OH, of a sharp, acid taste, occurring naturally in ants, nettles, pine needles, etc., and produced artifically in many ways, as by the oxidation of methyl alcohol, by the reduction of carbonic acid or the destructive distillation of oxalic acid. It is the first member of the fatty acids in the paraffin series, and is homologous with acetic acid.