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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 calm /ˈkɑm, ˈkɑlm, ˈkæm, ˈkɔ(l)m, ||ˈkɑm/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Calm n.  Freedom from motion, agitation, or disturbance; a cessation or absence of that which causes motion or disturbance, as of winds or waves; tranquility; stillness; quiet; serenity.
    The wind ceased, and there was a great calm.   --Mark. iv. 39.
    A calm before a storm is commonly a peace of a man's own making.   --South.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Calm, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Calmed p. pr. & vb. n. Calming.]
 1. To make calm; to render still or quiet, as elements; as, to calm the winds.
    To calm the tempest raised by Eolus.   --Dryden.
 2. To deliver from agitation or excitement; to still or soothe, as the mind or passions.
    Passions which seem somewhat calmed.   --Atterbury.
 Syn: -- To still; quiet; appease; allay; pacify; tranquilize; soothe; compose; assuage; check; restrain.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Calm a. [Compar. Calmer superl. Calmest ]
 1. Not stormy; without motion, as of winds or waves; still; quiet; serene; undisturbed. Calm was the day.”
    Now all is calm, and fresh, and still.   --Bryant.
 2. Undisturbed by passion or emotion; not agitated or excited; tranquil; quiet in act or speech.  Calm and sinless peace.” --Milton. “With calm attention.” --Pope.
 Such calm old age as conscience pure
 And self-commanding hearts ensure.   --Keble.
 Syn: -- Still; quiet; undisturbed; tranquil; peaceful; serene; composed; unruffled; sedate; collected; placid.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: not agitated; without losing self-possession; "spoke in a
             calm voice"; "remained calm throughout the uproar"
             [syn: unagitated]
      2: characterized by absence of emotional agitation; "calm
         acceptance of the inevitable"; "remained serene in the
         midst of turbulence"; "a serene expression on her face";
         "she became more tranquil"; "tranquil life in the country"
         [syn: serene, tranquil]
      3: (of weather) free from storm or wind; "calm seas" [ant: stormy]
      4: marked by freedom from agitation or excitement; "the rioters
         gradually became calm and slowly dispersed"
      n : steadiness of mind under stress; "he accepted their problems
          with composure and she with equanimity" [syn: composure,
           calmness, equanimity] [ant: discomposure]
      v 1: make calm or still; "quiet the dragons of worry and fear"
           [syn: calm down, quiet, tranquilize, tranquillize,
            tranquillise, quieten, lull, still] [ant: agitate]
      2: make steady; "steady yourself" [syn: steady, becalm]
      3: become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation;
         "After the fight both men need to cool off."; "It took a
         while after the baby was born for things to settle down
         again." [syn: calm down, cool off, chill out, simmer
         down, settle down, cool it]
      4: cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to;
         "The patient must be sedated before the operation" [syn: sedate,
          tranquilize, tranquillize, tranquillise] [ant: stimulate]