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1 definition found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Dis·cuss v. t. [imp. & p. p. Discussed p. pr. & vb. n. Discussing.]
 1. To break to pieces; to shatter. [Obs.]
 2. To break up; to disperse; to scatter; to dissipate; to drive away; -- said especially of tumors. [archaic]
 Note: This usage is preserved only in the word discussive.
    Many arts were used to discuss the beginnings of new affection.   --Sir H. Wotton.
    A pomade . . . of virtue to discuss pimples.   --Rambler.
 3. To shake; to put away; to finish. [Obs.]
    All regard of shame she had discussed.   --Spenser.
 4. To examine in detail or by disputation; to reason upon by presenting favorable and adverse considerations; to debate; to sift; to investigate; to ventilate. “We sat and . . . discussed the farm . . . and the price of grain.” --Tennyson. “To discuss questions of taste.”
 5. To deal with, in eating or drinking. [Colloq.]
    We sat quietly down and discussed a cold fowl that we had brought with us.   --Sir S. Baker.
 6. Law To examine or search thoroughly; to exhaust a remedy against, as against a principal debtor before proceeding against the surety.
 Syn: -- To Discuss, Examine, Debate. We speak of examining a subject when we ponder it with care, in order to discover its real state, or the truth respecting it. We speak of discussing a topic when we examine it thoroughly in its distinct parts. The word is very commonly applied to matters of opinion. We may discuss a subject without giving in an adhesion to any conclusion. We speak of debating a point when we examine it in mutual argumentation between opposing parties. In debate we contend for or against some conclusion or view.