gar·nish·ee /ˌgɑrnəˈʃi/
Gar·nish·ee n. Law One who is garnished; a person upon whom garnishment has been served in a suit by a creditor against a debtor, such person holding property belonging to the debtor, or owing him money.
Note: ☞ The order by which warning is made is called a garnishee order.
Gar·nish·ee, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Garnisheed p. pr. & vb. n. Garnisheeing.] Law (a) To make (a person) a garnishee; to warn by garnishment; to garnish. (b) To attach (the fund or property sought to be secured by garnishment); to trustee.
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v : take a debtor's wages on legal orders, such as for child
support; "His employer garnished his wages in order to
pay his debt" [syn: garnish]