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7 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 pay /ˈpe/

From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pay v. t.  Naut. To cover, as bottom of a vessel, a seam, a spar, etc., with tar or pitch, or waterproof composition of tallow, resin, etc.; to smear.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pay, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Paid p. pr. & vb. n. Paying.]
 1. To satisfy, or content; specifically, to satisfy (another person) for service rendered, property delivered, etc.; to discharge one's obligation to; to make due return to; to compensate; to remunerate; to recompense; to requite; as, to pay workmen or servants.
    May no penny ale them pay [=\i. e., satisfy].\=   --P. Plowman.
    [She] pays me with disdain.   --Dryden.
 2. Hence, figuratively: To compensate justly; to requite according to merit; to reward; to punish; to retort or retaliate upon.
    For which, or pay me quickly, or I'll pay you.   --B. Jonson.
 3. To discharge, as a debt, demand, or obligation, by giving or doing what is due or required; to deliver the amount or value of to the person to whom it is owing; to discharge a debt by delivering (money owed). Pay me that thou owest.”
    Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.   --Matt. xviii. 26.
    If they pay this tax, they starve.   --Tennyson.
 4. To discharge or fulfill, as a duy; to perform or render duty, as that which has been promised.
    This day have I paid my vows.   --Prov. vii. 14.
 5. To give or offer, without an implied obligation; as, to pay attention; to pay a visit.
    Not paying me a welcome.   --Shak.
 To pay off. (a) To make compensation to and discharge; as, to pay off the crew of a ship. (b) To allow (a thread, cord, etc.) to run off; to unwind. (c) to bribe.
 To pay one's duty, to render homage, as to a sovereign or other superior.
 To pay out Naut., to pass out; hence, to slacken; to allow to run out; as, to pay out more cable.  See under Cable.
 To pay the piper, to bear the cost, expense, or trouble. [Colloq.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pay v. i. To give a recompense; to make payment, requital, or satisfaction; to discharge a debt.
    The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again.   --Ps. xxxvii. 21.
 2. Hence, to make or secure suitable return for expense or trouble; to be remunerative or profitable; to be worth the effort or pains required; as, it will pay to ride; it will pay to wait; politeness always pays.
 To pay for. (a) To make amends for; to atone for; as, men often pay for their mistakes with loss of property or reputation, sometimes with life. (b) To give an equivalent for; to bear the expense of; to be mulcted on account of.
    'T was I paid for your sleeps; I watched your wakings.   --Beau. & Fl.
 -- To pay off. [Etymol. uncertain.] (a) Naut. To fall to leeward, as the head of a vessel under sail. (b) to repay (a debt).
 To pay on. [Etymol. uncertain.] To beat with vigor; to redouble blows. [Colloq.]
 To pay round [Etymol. uncertain.] Naut. To turn the ship's head.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pay, n.
 1. Satisfaction; content.
 2. An equivalent or return for money due, goods purchased, or services performed; salary or wages for work or service; compensation; recompense; payment; hire; as, the pay of a clerk; the pay of a soldier.
    Where only merit constant pay receives.   --Pope.
    There is neither pay nor plunder to be got.   --L'Estrange.
 Full pay, the whole amount of wages or salary; maximum pay; especially, the highest pay or allowance to civil or military officers of a certain rank, without deductions.
 Half pay. See under Half.
 Pay day, the day of settlement of accounts.
 Pay dirt Mining, earth which yields a profit to the miner. [Western U.S.]
 Pay office, a place where payment is made.
 Pay roll, (a) a roll or list of persons entitled to payment, with the amounts due; now usually one word, payroll. (b) the total sum of money which is paid to all employees on payday.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n : something that remunerates; "wages were paid by check"; "he
          wasted his pay on drink"; "they saved a quarter of all
          their earnings" [syn: wage, earnings, remuneration,
      v 1: give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; "I
           paid four dollars for this sandwich"; "Pay the waitress,
      2: convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.;
         bestow; "Don't pay him any mind"; "give the orders"; "Give
         him my best regards"; "pay attention" [syn: give]
      3: do or give something to somebody in return; "Does she pay
         you for the work you are doing?" [syn: pay off, make up,
      4: bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action;
         "You'll pay for this!"; "She had to pay the penalty for
         speaking out rashly"; "You'll pay for this opinion later"
      5: cancel or discharge a debt; "pay up, please!" [syn: pay up,
          ante up] [ant: default]
      6: bring in; "interest-bearing accounts"; "How much does this
         savings certificate pay annually?" [syn: yield, bear]
      7: render; "pay a visit"; "pay a call"
      8: be worth it; "It pays to go through the trouble"
      9: dedicate; "give thought to"; "give priority to"; "pay
         attention to" [syn: give, devote]
      10: discharge or settle; "pay a debt"; "pay an obligation"
      11: make a compensation for; "a favor that cannot be paid back"
      [also: paid]