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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 bot·tom /ˈbɑtəm/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 底端; ( 畫面的 )底部

From: Network Terminology

 底 底端

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bot·tom n.
 1. The lowest part of anything; the foot; as, the bottom of a tree or well; the bottom of a hill, a lane, or a page.
    Or dive into the bottom of the deep.   --Shak.
 2. The part of anything which is beneath the contents and supports them, as the part of a chair on which a person sits, the circular base or lower head of a cask or tub, or the plank floor of a ship's hold; the under surface.
    Barrels with the bottom knocked out.   --Macaulay.
    No two chairs were alike; such high backs and low backs and leather bottoms and worsted bottoms.   --W. Irving.
 3. That upon which anything rests or is founded, in a literal or a figurative sense; foundation; groundwork.
 4. The bed of a body of water, as of a river, lake, sea.
 5. The fundament; the buttocks.
 6. An abyss. [Obs.]
 7. Low land formed by alluvial deposits along a river; low-lying ground; a dale; a valley. “The bottoms and the high grounds.”
 8. Naut. The part of a ship which is ordinarily under water; hence, the vessel itself; a ship.
    My ventures are not in one bottom trusted.   --Shak.
 Not to sell the teas, but to return them to London in the
 same bottoms in which they were shipped.   --Bancroft.
 Full bottom, a hull of such shape as permits carrying a large amount of merchandise.
 9. Power of endurance; as, a horse of a good bottom.
 10. Dregs or grounds; lees; sediment.
 At bottom, At the bottom, at the foundation or basis; in reality. “He was at the bottom a good man.” --J. F. Cooper.
 To be at the bottom of, to be the cause or originator of; to be the source of. [Usually in an opprobrious sense.] --J. H. Newman.
    He was at the bottom of many excellent counsels.   --Addison.
 To go to the bottom, to sink; esp. to be wrecked.
 To touch bottom, to reach the lowest point; to find something on which to rest.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bot·tom, a. Of or pertaining to the bottom; fundamental; lowest; under; as, bottom rock; the bottom board of a wagon box; bottom prices.
 Bottom glade, a low glade or open place; a valley; a dale.
 Bottom grass, grass growing on bottom lands.
 Bottom land. See 1st Bottom, n., 7.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bot·tom, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bottomed (░); p. pr. & vb. n. Bottoming.]
 1. To found or build upon; to fix upon as a support; -- followed by on or upon.
    Action is supposed to be bottomed upon principle.   --Atterbury.
    Those false and deceiving grounds upon which many bottom their eternal state].   --South.
 2. To furnish with a bottom; as, to bottom a chair.
 3. To reach or get to the bottom of.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bot·tom, v. i.
 1. To rest, as upon an ultimate support; to be based or grounded; -- usually with on or upon.
    Find on what foundation any proposition bottoms.   --Locke.
 2. To reach or impinge against the bottom, so as to impede free action, as when the point of a cog strikes the bottom of a space between two other cogs, or a piston the end of a cylinder.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bot·tom, n.  A ball or skein of thread; a cocoon. [Obs.]
    Silkworms finish their bottoms in . . . fifteen days.   --Mortimer.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bot·tom, v. t. To wind round something, as in making a ball of thread. [Obs.]
 As you unwind her love from him,
 Lest it should ravel and be good to none,
 You must provide to bottom it on me.   --Shak.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: situated at the bottom or lowest position; "the bottom
             drawer" [syn: bottom(a)] [ant: side(a), top(a)]
      2: at the bottom; lowest or last; "the bottom price" [syn: lowest]
      3: the lowest rank; "bottom member of the class" [syn: poorest]
      n 1: the lower side of anything [syn: underside, undersurface]
      2: the lowest part of anything; "they started at the bottom of
         the hill"
      3: the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he
         deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit
         on your fanny and do nothing?" [syn: buttocks, nates,
         arse, butt, backside, bum, buns, can, fundament,
          hindquarters, hind end, keister, posterior, prat,
          rear, rear end, rump, stern, seat, tail, tail
         end, tooshie, tush, behind, derriere, fanny, ass]
      4: the second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat
         [syn: bottom of the inning] [ant: top]
      5: a depression forming the ground under a body of water; "he
         searched for treasure on the ocean bed" [syn: bed]
      6: low-lying alluvial land near a river [syn: bottomland]
      7: a cargo ship; "they did much of their overseas trade in
         foreign bottoms" [syn: freighter, merchantman, merchant
      v 1: provide with a bottom or a seat; "bottom the chairs"
      2: strike the ground, as with a ship's bottom
      3: come to understand [syn: penetrate, fathom]