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2 definitions found

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    the seed of Babylon, the son of Salathiel or Shealtiel (Hag.
    1:1; Zorobabel, Matt. 1:12); called also the son of Pedaiah (1
    Chr. 3:17-19), i.e., according to a frequent usage of the word
    "son;" the grandson or the nephew of Salathiel. He is also known
    by the Persian name of Sheshbazzar (Ezra 1:8, 11). In the first
    year of Cyrus, king of Persia, he led the first band of Jews,
    numbering 42,360 (Ezra 2:64), exclusive of a large number of
    servants, who returned from captivity at the close of the
    seventy years. In the second year after the Return, he erected
    an altar and laid the foundation of the temple on the ruins of
    that which had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar (3:8-13; ch.
    4-6). All through the work he occupied a prominent place,
    inasmuch as he was a descendant of the royal line of David.

From: Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)

 Zerubbabel, a stranger at Babylon; dispersion of confusion