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3 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Prus·sian a.  Of or pertaining to Prussia. -- n. A native or inhabitant of Prussia.
 Prussian blue Chem., any one of several complex double cyanides of ferrous and ferric iron; specifically, a dark blue amorphous substance having a coppery luster, obtained by adding a solution of potassium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate of potash) to a ferric salt. It is used in dyeing, in ink, etc. Called also Williamson's blue, insoluble Prussian blue, Berlin blue, etc.
 Prussian carp Zool. See Gibel.
 Prussian green. Chem. Same as Berlin green, under Berlin.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ber·lin n.
 1. A four-wheeled carriage, having a sheltered seat behind the body and separate from it, invented in the 17th century, at Berlin.
 2. Fine worsted for fancy-work; zephyr worsted; -- called also Berlin wool.
 Berlin black, a black varnish, drying with almost a dead surface; -- used for coating the better kinds of ironware. --Ure.
 Berlin blue, Prussian blue. --Ure.
 Berlin green, a complex cyanide of iron, used as a green dye, and similar to Prussian blue.
 Berlin iron, a very fusible variety of cast iron, from which figures and other delicate articles are manufactured. These are often stained or lacquered in imitation of bronze.
 Berlin shop, a shop for the sale of worsted embroidery and the materials for such work.
 Berlin work, worsted embroidery.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Green n.
 1. The color of growing plants; the color of the solar spectrum intermediate between the yellow and the blue.
 2. A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage; as, the village green.
    O'er the smooth enameled green.   --Milton.
 3. Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths; -- usually in the plural.
 In that soft season when descending showers
 Call forth the greens, and wake the rising flowers.   --Pope.
 4. pl. Leaves and stems of young plants, as spinach, beets, etc., which in their green state are boiled for food.
 5. Any substance or pigment of a green color.
 Alkali green Chem., an alkali salt of a sulphonic acid derivative of a complex aniline dye, resembling emerald green; -- called also Helvetia green.
 Berlin green. Chem. See under Berlin.
 Brilliant green Chem., a complex aniline dye, resembling emerald green in composition.
 Brunswick green, an oxychloride of copper.
 Chrome green. See under Chrome.
 Emerald green. Chem. (a) A complex basic derivative of aniline produced as a metallic, green crystalline substance, and used for dyeing silk, wool, and mordanted vegetable fiber a brilliant green; -- called also aldehyde green, acid green, malachite green, Victoria green, solid green, etc. It is usually found as a double chloride, with zinc chloride, or as an oxalate. (b) See Paris green (below).
 Gaignet's green Chem. a green pigment employed by the French artist, Adrian Gusgnet, and consisting essentially of a basic hydrate of chromium.
 Methyl green Chem., an artificial rosaniline dyestuff, obtained as a green substance having a brilliant yellow luster; -- called also light-green.
 Mineral green. See under Mineral.
 Mountain green. See Green earth, under Green, a.
 Paris green Chem., a poisonous green powder, consisting of a mixture of several double salts of the acetate and arsenite of copper. It has found very extensive use as a pigment for wall paper, artificial flowers, etc., but particularly as an exterminator of insects, as the potato bug; -- called also Schweinfurth green, imperial green, Vienna green, emerald qreen, and mitis green.
 Scheele's green Chem., a green pigment, consisting essentially of a hydrous arsenite of copper; -- called also Swedish green. It may enter into various pigments called parrot green, pickel green, Brunswick green, nereid green, or emerald green.