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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 pan·do·ra /pænˈdorə, ˈdɔr-/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 pan·dore n.  An ancient musical instrument, of the lute kind; a bandore. [Written also pandora, pandoura. pandure, and pandoran.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pan·do·ra prop. n.
 1. Class. Myth. A beautiful woman (all-gifted), whom Jupiter caused Vulcan to make out of clay in order to punish the human race, because Prometheus had stolen the fire from heaven.  Jupiter gave Pandora a box containing all human ills, which, when the box was opened, escaped and spread over the earth.  Hope alone remained in the box.  Another version makes the box contain all the blessings of the gods, which were lost to men when Pandora opened it.
 2. Zool. A genus of marine bivalves, in which one valve is flat, the other convex.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n : (Greek mythology) the first woman; created by Hephaestus on
          orders from Zeus who presented her to Epimetheus along
          with a box filled with evils