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7 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典


From: Network Terminology

 失落 損失

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Lose v. t. [imp. & p. p. Lost p. pr. & vb. n. Losing ]
 1. To part with unintentionally or unwillingly, as by accident, misfortune, negligence, penalty, forfeit, etc.; to be deprived of; as, to lose money from one's purse or pocket, or in business or gaming; to lose an arm or a leg by amputation; to lose men in battle.
 Fair Venus wept the sad disaster
 Of having lost her favorite dove.   --Prior.
 2. To cease to have; to possess no longer; to suffer diminution of; as, to lose one's relish for anything; to lose one's health.
    If the salt hath lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted?   --Matt. v. 13.
 3. Not to employ; to employ ineffectually; to throw away; to waste; to squander; as, to lose a day; to lose the benefits of instruction.
    The unhappy have but hours, and these they lose.   --Dryden.
 4. To wander from; to miss, so as not to be able to and; to go astray from; as, to lose one's way.
    He hath lost his fellows.   --Shak
 5. To ruin; to destroy; as destroy; as, the ship was lost on the ledge.
    The woman that deliberates is lost.   --Addison.
 6. To be deprived of the view of; to cease to see or know the whereabouts of; as, he lost his companion in the crowd.
 Like following life thro' creatures you dissect,
 You lose it in the moment you detect.   --Pope.
 7. To fail to obtain or enjoy; to fail to gain or win; hence, to fail to catch with the mind or senses; to miss; as, I lost a part of what he said.
    He shall in no wise lose his reward.   --Matt. x. 42.
 I fought the battle bravely which I lost,
 And lost it but to Macedonians.   --Dryden.
 8. To cause to part with; to deprive of. [R.]
    How should you go about to lose him a wife he loves with so much passion?   --Sir W. Temple.
 9. To prevent from gaining or obtaining.
    O false heart! thou hadst almost betrayed me to eternal flames, and lost me this glory.   --Baxter.
 To lose ground, to fall behind; to suffer gradual loss or disadvantage.
 To lose heart, to lose courage; to become timid. “The mutineers lost heart.” --Macaulay.
 To lose one's head, to be thrown off one's balance; to lose the use of one's good sense or judgment, through fear, anger, or other emotion.
    In the excitement of such a discovery, many scholars lost their heads.   --Whitney.
 -- To lose one's self. (a) To forget or mistake the bearing of surrounding objects; as, to lose one's self in a great city. (b) To have the perceptive and rational power temporarily suspended; as, we lose ourselves in sleep.
 To lose sight of. (a) To cease to see; as, to lose sight of the land. (b) To overlook; to forget; to fail to perceive; as, he lost sight of the issue.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Lost a.
 1. Parted with unwillingly or unintentionally; not to be found; missing; as, a lost book or sheep.
 2. Parted with; no longer held or possessed; as, a lost limb; lost honor.
 3. Not employed or enjoyed; thrown away; employed ineffectually; wasted; squandered; as, a lost day; a lost opportunity or benefit.
 5. Having wandered from, or unable to find, the way; bewildered; perplexed; as, a child lost in the woods; a stranger lost in London.
 6. Ruined or destroyed, either physically or morally; past help or hope; as, a ship lost at sea; a woman lost to virtue; a lost soul.
 7. Hardened beyond sensibility or recovery; alienated; insensible; as, lost to shame; lost to all sense of honor.
 8. Not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible; as, an island lost in a fog; a person lost in a crowd.
 9. Occupied with, or under the influence of, something, so as to be insensible of external things; as, to be lost in thought.
 Lost motion Mach., the difference between the motion of a driver and that of a follower, due to the yielding of parts or looseness of joints.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      v 1: fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either
           physically or in an abstract sense; "She lost her purse
           when she left it unattended on her seat" [ant: keep]
      2: fail to win; "We lost the battle but we won the war" [ant: win]
      3: suffer the loss of a person through death or removal; "She
         lost her husband in the war"; "The couple that wanted to
         adopt the child lost her when the biological parents
         claimed her"
      4: place (something) where one cannot find it again; "I
         misplaced my eyeglasses" [syn: misplace, mislay]
      5: miss from one's possessions; lose sight of; "I've lost my
         glasses again!" [ant: find]
      6: allow to go out of sight; "The detective lost the man he was
         shadowing after he had to stop at a red light"
      7: fail to make money in a business; make a loss or fail to
         profit; "I lost thousands of dollars on that bad
         investment!"; "The company turned a loss after the first
         year" [syn: turn a loss] [ant: profit, break even]
      8: fail to get or obtain; "I lost the opportunity to spend a
         year abroad" [ant: acquire]
      9: retreat [syn: fall back, drop off, fall behind, recede]
         [ant: gain]
      10: fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind; "I
          missed that remark"; "She missed his point"; "We lost
          part of what he said" [syn: miss]
      11: be set at a disadvantage; "This author really suffers in
          translation" [syn: suffer]
      [also: lost]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: no longer in your possession or control; unable to be found
             or recovered; "a lost child"; "lost friends"; "his
             lost book"; "lost opportunities" [ant: found]
      2: having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or
         personal identity; "I frequently find myself disoriented
         when I come up out of the subway"; "the anesthetic left
         her completely disoriented" [syn: confused, disoriented]
      3: spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed; "lost souls";
         "a lost generation"; "a lost ship"; "the lost platoon"
         [ant: saved]
      4: not gained or won; "a lost battle"; "a lost prize" [ant: won]
      5: incapable of being recovered or regained; "his lost honor"
      6: not caught with the senses or the mind; "words lost in the
         din" [syn: missed]
      7: deeply absorbed in thought; "as distant and bemused as a
         professor listening to the prattling of his freshman
         class"; "lost in thought"; "a preoccupied frown" [syn: bemused,
          deep in thought(p), lost(p), preoccupied]
      8: no longer known; irretrievable; "a forgotten art"; "a lost
         art"; "lost civilizations" [syn: forgotten]
      9: perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements;
         filled with bewilderment; "obviously bemused by his
         questions"; "bewildered and confused"; "a cloudy and
         confounded philosopher"; "just a mixed-up kid"; "she felt
         lost on the first day of school" [syn: baffled, befuddled,
          bemused, bewildered, confounded, confused, mazed,
          mixed-up, at sea]
      10: unable to function; without help [syn: helpless]
      n : people who are destined to die soon; "the agony of the
          doomed was in his voice" [syn: doomed]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      See lose