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1 definition found

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    (1.) Heb. 'arabim (Lev. 23:40; Job 40:22; Isa. 15:7; 44:3, 4;
    Ps. 137:1, 2). This was supposed to be the weeping willow,
    called by Linnaeus Salix Babylonica, from the reference in Ps.
    137. This tree is frequently found "on the coast, overhanging
    wells and pools. There is a conspicuous tree of this species
    over a pond in the plain of Acre, and others on the Phoenician
    plain." There are several species of the salix in Palestine, but
    it is not indigenous to Babylonia, nor was it cultivated there.
    Some are of opinion that the tree intended is the tamarisk or
      (2.) Heb. tzaphtzaphah (Ezek. 17:5), called by the Arabs the
    safsaf, the general name for the willow. This may be the Salix
    AEgyptica of naturalists.
      Tristram thinks that by the "willow by the water-courses," the
    Nerium oleander, the rose-bay oleander, is meant. He says, "It
    fringes the Upper Jordan, dipping its wavy crown of red into the
    spray in the rapids under Hermon, and is nutured by the oozy
    marshes in the Lower Jordan nearly as far as to Jericho...On the
    Arnon, on the Jabbok, and the Yarmuk it forms a continuous
    fringe. In many of the streams of Moab it forms a complete
    screen, which the sun's rays can never penetrate to evaporate
    the precious moisture. The wild boar lies safely ensconced under
    its impervious cover."