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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 apoc·ry·pha /əˈpɑkrəfə/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 A·poc·ry·pha n. pl., but often used as sing. with pl. Apocryphas
 1. Something, as a writing, that is of doubtful authorship or authority; -- formerly used also adjectively. [Obs.]
 2. Specif.: Certain writings which are received by some Christians as an authentic part of the Holy Scriptures, but are rejected by others.
 Note:Fourteen such writings, or books, formed part of the Septuagint, but not of the Hebrew canon recognized by the Jews of Palestine. The Council of Trent included all but three of these in the canon of inspired books having equal authority. The German and English Reformers grouped them in their Bibles under the title Apocrypha, as not having dogmatic authority, but being profitable for instruction. The Apocrypha is now commonlymitted from the King James's Bible.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n : 14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate
          (except for II Esdras) but omitted in Jewish and
          Protestant versions of the Bible; eastern Christian
          churches (except the Coptic church) accept all these
          books as canonical; the Russian Orthodox church accepts
          these texts as divinely inspired but does not grant them
          the same status

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    hidden, spurious, the name given to certain ancient books which
    found a place in the LXX. and Latin Vulgate versions of the Old
    Testament, and were appended to all the great translations made
    from them in the sixteenth century, but which have no claim to
    be regarded as in any sense parts of the inspired Word.
      (1.) They are not once quoted by the New Testament writers,
    who frequently quote from the LXX. Our Lord and his apostles
    confirmed by their authority the ordinary Jewish canon, which
    was the same in all respects as we now have it.
      (2.) These books were written not in Hebrew but in Greek, and
    during the "period of silence," from the time of Malachi, after
    which oracles and direct revelations from God ceased till the
    Christian era.
      (3.) The contents of the books themselves show that they were
    no part of Scripture. The Old Testament Apocrypha consists of
    fourteen books, the chief of which are the Books of the
    Maccabees (q.v.), the Books of Esdras, the Book of Wisdom, the
    Book of Baruch, the Book of Esther, Ecclesiasticus, Tobit,
    Judith, etc.
      The New Testament Apocrypha consists of a very extensive
    literature, which bears distinct evidences of its non-apostolic
    origin, and is utterly unworthy of regard.

From: Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)

 Apocrypha, hidden