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4 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Quail, n.
 1. Zool. Any gallinaceous bird belonging to Coturnix and several allied genera of the Old World, especially the common European quail (Coturnix communis), the rain quail (Coturnix Coromandelica) of India, the stubble quail (Coturnix pectoralis), and the Australian swamp quail (Synoicus australis).
 2. Zool. Any one of several American partridges belonging to Colinus, Callipepla, and allied genera, especially the bobwhite (called Virginia quail, and Maryland quail), and the California quail (Calipepla Californica).
 3. Zool. Any one of numerous species of Turnix and allied genera, native of the Old World, as the Australian painted quail (Turnix varius). See Turnix.
 4. A prostitute; -- so called because the quail was thought to be a very amorous bird.  [Obs.]
 Bustard quail Zool., a small Asiatic quail-like bird of the genus Turnix, as Turnix taigoor, a black-breasted species, and the hill bustard quail (Turnix ocellatus). See Turnix.
 Button quail Zool., one of several small Asiatic species of Turnix, as Turnix Sykesii, which is said to be the smallest game bird of India.
 Mountain quail. See under Mountain.
 Quail call, a call or pipe for alluring quails into a net or within range.
 Quail dove Zool., any one of several American ground pigeons belonging to Geotrygon and allied genera.
 Quail hawk Zool., the New Zealand sparrow hawk (Hieracidea Novæ-Hollandiæ).
 Quail pipe. See Quail call, above.
 Quail snipe Zool., the dowitcher, or red-breasted snipe; -- called also robin snipe, and brown snipe.
 Sea quail Zool., the turnstone. [Local, U. S.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Red·breast n.
 1. Zool. (a) The European robin. (b) The American robin. See Robin. (c) The knot, or red-breasted snipe; -- called also robin breast, and robin snipe. See Knot.
 2. Zool. The long-eared pondfish. See Pondfish.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Rob·in n.  Zool. (a) A small European singing bird (Erythacus rubecula), having a reddish breast; -- called also robin redbreast, robinet, and ruddock. (b) An American singing bird (Merula migratoria), having the breast chestnut, or dull red. The upper parts are olive-gray, the head and tail blackish. Called also robin redbreast, and migratory thrush. (c) Any one of several species of Australian warblers of the genera Petroica, Melanadrays, and allied genera; as, the scarlet-breasted robin (Petroica mullticolor). (d) Any one of several Asiatic birds; as, the Indian robins. See Indian robin, below.
 Beach robin Zool., the robin snipe, or knot. See Knot.
 Blue-throated robin. Zool. See Bluethroat.
 Canada robin Zool., the cedar bird.
 Golden robin Zool., the Baltimore oriole.
 Ground robin Zool., the chewink.
 Indian robin Zool., any one of several species of Asiatic saxoline birds of the genera Thamnobia and Pratincola. They are mostly black, usually with some white on the wings.
 Magrie robin Zool., an Asiatic singing bird (Corsycus saularis), having the back, head, neck, and breast black glossed with blue, the wings black, and the belly white.
 Ragged robin. Bot. See under Ragged.
 Robin accentor Zool., a small Asiatic singing bird (Accentor rubeculoides), somewhat resembling the European robin.
 Robin redbreast. Zool. (a) The European robin. (b) The American robin. (c) The American bluebird.
 Robin snipe. Zool. (a) The red-breasted snipe, or dowitcher. (b) The red-breasted sandpiper, or knot.
 Robin's plantain. Bot. See under Plantain.
 Sea robin. Zool. (a) Any one of several species of American gurnards of the genus Prionotus. They are excellent food fishes. Called also wingfish. The name is also applied to a European gurnard. (b) The red-breasted merganser, or sheldrake. [Local, U.S.]
 Water robin Zool., a redstart (Ruticulla fuliginosa), native of India.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Snipe n.
 1. Zool. Any one of numerous species of limicoline game birds of the family Scolopacidae, having a long, slender, nearly straight beak.
 Note:The common, or whole, snipe (Gallinago cœlestis) and the great, or double, snipe (Gallinago major), are the most important European species. The Wilson's snipe (Gallinago delicata) (sometimes erroneously called English snipe) and the gray snipe, or dowitcher (Macrohamphus griseus), are well-known American species.
 2. A fool; a blockhead. [R.]
 Half snipe, the dunlin; the jacksnipe.
 Jack snipe. See Jacksnipe.
 Quail snipe. See under Quail.
 Robin snipe, the knot.
 Sea snipe. See in the Vocabulary.
 Shore snipe, any sandpiper.
 Snipe hawk, the marsh harrier. [Prov. Eng.]
 Stone snipe, the tattler.
 Summer snipe, the dunlin; the green and the common European sandpipers.
 Winter snipe. See Rock snipe, under Rock.
 Woodcock snipe, the great snipe.