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5 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 La·dy's slip·per n. Bot. Any orchidaceous plant of the genus Cypripedium, the labellum of which resembles a slipper.  Less commonly, in the United States, the garden balsam (Impatiens Balsamina).

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bal·sam n.
 1. A resin containing more or less of an essential or volatile oil.
 Note:The balsams are aromatic resinous substances, flowing spontaneously or by incision from certain plants. A great variety of substances pass under this name, but the term is now usually restricted to resins which, in addition to a volatile oil, contain benzoic and cinnamic acid. Among the true balsams are the balm of Gilead, and the balsams of copaiba, Peru, and Tolu. There are also many pharmaceutical preparations and resinous substances, possessed of a balsamic smell, to which the name balsam has been given.
 2. Bot. (a) A species of tree (Abies balsamea). (b) An annual garden plant (Impatiens balsamina) with beautiful flowers; balsamine.
 3. Anything that heals, soothes, or restores.
    Was not the people's blessing a balsam to thy blood?   --Tennyson.
 Balsam apple Bot., an East Indian plant (Momordica balsamina), of the gourd family, with red or orange-yellow cucumber-shaped fruit of the size of a walnut, used as a vulnerary, and in liniments and poultices.
 Balsam fir Bot., the American coniferous tree, Abies balsamea, from which the useful Canada balsam is derived.
 Balsam of copaiba. See Copaiba.
 Balsam of Mecca, balm of Gilead.
 Balsam of Peru, a reddish brown, syrupy balsam, obtained from a Central American tree (Myroxylon Pereiræ and used as a stomachic and expectorant, and in the treatment of ulcers, etc. It was long supposed to be a product of Peru.
 Balsam of Tolu, a reddish or yellowish brown semisolid or solid balsam, obtained from a South American tree (Myroxylon toluiferum). It is highly fragrant, and is used as a stomachic and expectorant.
 Balsam tree, any tree from which balsam is obtained, esp. the Abies balsamea.
 Canada balsam, Balsam of fir, Canada turpentine, a yellowish, viscid liquid, which, by time and exposure, becomes a transparent solid mass. It is obtained from the balm of Gilead (or balsam) fir (Abies balsamea) by breaking the vesicles upon the trunk and branches. See Balm.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bal·sam·ine n.  Bot. The Impatiens balsamina, or garden balsam.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Gar·den n.
 1. A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables.
 2. A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country.
 I am arrived from fruitful Lombardy,
 The pleasant garden of great Italy.   --Shak.
 Note:Garden is often used adjectively or in self-explaining compounds; as, garden flowers, garden tools, garden walk, garden wall, garden house or gardenhouse.
 Garden balsam, an ornamental plant (Impatiens Balsamina).
 Garden engine, a wheelbarrow tank and pump for watering gardens.
 Garden glass. (a) A bell glass for covering plants. (b) A globe of dark-colored glass, mounted on a pedestal, to reflect surrounding objects; -- much used as an ornament in gardens in Germany.
 Garden house (a) A summer house. --Beau. & Fl. (b) A privy. [Southern U.S.]
 Garden husbandry, the raising on a small scale of seeds, fruits, vegetables, etc., for sale.
 Garden mold or Garden mould, rich, mellow earth which is fit for a garden. --Mortimer.
 Garden nail, a cast nail, used for fastening vines to brick walls. --Knight.
 Garden net, a net for covering fruits trees, vines, etc., to protect them from birds.
 Garden party, a social party held out of doors, within the grounds or garden attached to a private residence.
 Garden plot, a plot appropriated to a garden. Garden pot, a watering pot.
 Garden pump, a garden engine; a barrow pump.
 Garden shears, large shears, for clipping trees and hedges, pruning, etc.
 Garden spider, Zool., the diadem spider (Epeira diadema), common in gardens, both in Europe and America. It spins a geometrical web. See Geometric spider, and Spider web.
 Garden stand, a stand for flower pots.
 Garden stuff, vegetables raised in a garden. [Colloq.]
 Garden syringe, a syringe for watering plants, sprinkling them with solutions for destroying insects, etc.
 Garden truck, vegetables raised for the market. [Colloq.]
 Garden ware, garden truck. [Obs.] --Mortimer.
 Bear garden, Botanic garden, etc. See under Bear, etc.
 Hanging garden. See under Hanging.
 Kitchen garden, a garden where vegetables are cultivated for household use.
 Market garden, a piece of ground where vegetable are cultivated to be sold in the markets for table use.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Im·pa·ti·ens prop. n.  Bot. A genus of plants, several species of which have very beautiful flowers; -- so called because the elastic capsules burst when touched, and scatter the seeds with considerable force.  Called also touch-me-not, jewelweed, and snapweed.  Impatiens Balsamina (sometimes called lady's slipper) is the common garden balsam.