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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Jul·ian a.  Relating to, or derived from, Julius Caesar.
 Julian calendar, the calendar as adjusted by Julius Caesar, in which the year was made to consist of 365 days, each fourth year having 366 days.
 Julian epoch, the epoch of the commencement of the Julian calendar, or 46 b. c.
 Julian period, a chronological period of 7,980 years, combining the solar, lunar, and indiction cycles (28 x 19 x 15 = 7,980), being reckoned from the year 4713 B. C., when the first years of these several cycles would coincide, so that if any year of the period be divided by 28, 19, or 15, the remainder will be the year of the corresponding cycle. The Julian period was proposed by Scaliger, to remove or avoid ambiguities in chronological dates, and was so named because composed of Julian years.
 Julian year, the year of 365 days, 6 hours, adopted in the Julian calendar, and in use until superseded by the Gregorian year, as established in the reformed or Gregorian calendar.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Year n.
 1. The time of the apparent revolution of the sun trough the ecliptic; the period occupied by the earth in making its revolution around the sun, called the astronomical year; also, a period more or less nearly agreeing with this, adopted by various nations as a measure of time, and called the civil year; as, the common lunar year of 354 days, still in use among the Mohammedans; the year of 360 days, etc. In common usage, the year consists of 365 days, and every fourth year (called bissextile, or leap year) of 366 days, a day being added to February on that year, on account of the excess above 365 days (see Bissextile).
    Of twenty year of age he was, I guess.   --Chaucer.
 Note:The civil, or legal, year, in England, formerly commenced on the 25th of March. This practice continued throughout the British dominions till the year 1752.
 2. The time in which any planet completes a revolution about the sun; as, the year of Jupiter or of Saturn.
 3. pl. Age, or old age; as, a man in years.
 Anomalistic year, the time of the earth's revolution from perihelion to perihelion again, which is 365 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes, and 48 seconds.
 A year's mind Eccl., a commemoration of a deceased person, as by a Mass, a year after his death.  Cf. A month's mind, under Month.
 Bissextile year. See Bissextile.
 Canicular year. See under Canicular.
 Civil year, the year adopted by any nation for the computation of time.
 Common lunar year, the period of 12 lunar months, or 354 days.
 Common year, each year of 365 days, as distinguished from leap year.
 Embolismic year, or Intercalary lunar year, the period of 13 lunar months, or 384 days.
 Fiscal year Com., the year by which accounts are reckoned, or the year between one annual time of settlement, or balancing of accounts, and another.
 Great year. See Platonic year, under Platonic.
 Gregorian year, Julian year. See under Gregorian, and Julian.
 Leap year. See Leap year, in the Vocabulary.
 Lunar astronomical year, the period of 12 lunar synodical months, or 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 36 seconds.
 Lunisolar year. See under Lunisolar.
 Periodical year. See Anomalistic year, above.
 Platonic year, Sabbatical year. See under Platonic, and Sabbatical.
 Sidereal year, the time in which the sun, departing from any fixed star, returns to the same. This is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 9.3 seconds.
 Tropical year. See under Tropical.
 Year and a day O. Eng. Law, a time to be allowed for an act or an event, in order that an entire year might be secured beyond all question. --Abbott.
 Year of grace, any year of the Christian era; Anno Domini; A. D. or a. d.