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2 definitions found

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    portion; double cave, the cave which Abraham bought, together
    with the field in which it stood, from Ephron the Hittite, for a
    family burying-place (Gen. 23). It is one of those Bible
    localities about the identification of which there can be no
    doubt. It was on the slope of a hill on the east of Hebron,
    "before Mamre." Here were laid the bodies of Abraham and Sarah,
    Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah (Gen. 23:19; 25:9; 49:31;
    50:13). Over the cave an ancient Christian church was erected,
    probably in the time of Justinian, the Roman emperor. This
    church has been converted into a Mohammedan mosque. The whole is
    surrounded by the el-Haram i.e., "the sacred enclosure," about
    200 feet long, 115 broad, and of an average height of about 50.
    This building, from the immense size of some of its stones, and
    the manner in which they are fitted together, is supposed by
    some to have been erected in the days of David or of Solomon,
    while others ascribe it to the time of Herod. It is looked upon
    as the most ancient and finest relic of Jewish architecture.
      On the floor of the mosque are erected six large cenotaphs as
    monuments to the dead who are buried in the cave beneath.
    Between the cenotaphs of Isaac and Rebekah there is a circular
    opening in the floor into the cavern below, the cave of
    Machpelah. Here it may be that the body of Jacob, which was
    embalmed in Egypt, is still preserved (much older embalmed
    bodies have recently been found in the cave of Deir el-Bahari in
    Egypt, see PHARAOH), though those of the others there
    buried may have long ago mouldered into dust. The interior of
    the mosque was visited by the Prince of Wales in 1862 by a
    special favour of the Mohammedan authorities. An interesting
    account of this visit is given in Dean Stanley's Lectures on the
    Jewish Church. It was also visited in 1866 by the Marquis of
    Bute, and in 1869 by the late Emperor (Frederick) of Germany,
    then the Crown Prince of Prussia. In 1881 it was visited by the
    two sons of the Prince of Wales, accompanied by Sir C. Wilson
    and others. (See Palestine Quarterly Statement, October 1882).

From: Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)

 Machpelah, double