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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 gov·ern·ment /ˈgʌvɚ/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 技術評價處( 美國政府 ) OTA

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 電信辦公室( 美國政府 ) OT

From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Gov·ern·ment n.
 1. The act of governing; the exercise of authority; the administration of laws; control; direction; regulation; as, civil, church, or family government.
 2. The mode of governing; the system of polity in a state; the established form of law.
    That free government which we have so dearly purchased, free commonwealth.   --Milton.
 3. The right or power of governing; authority.
    I here resign my government to thee.   --Shak.
 4. The person or persons authorized to administer the laws; the ruling power; the administration.
    When we, in England, speak of the government, we generally understand the ministers of the crown for the time being.   --Mozley & W.
 5. The body politic governed by one authority; a state; as, the governments of Europe.
 6. Management of the limbs or body.
 7. Gram. The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: the organization that is the governing authority of a
           political unit; "the government reduced taxes"; "the
           matter was referred to higher authorities" [syn: authorities,
      2: (government) the system or form by which a community or
         other political unit is governed; "tyrannical government"
      3: the act of governing; exercising authority; "regulations for
         the governing of state prisons"; "he had considerable
         experience of government" [syn: governing, governance,
          government activity]
      4: the study of government of states and other political units
         [syn: politics, political science]