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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 cap·tain /ˈkæptən ||ˈkæpṃ/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Cap·tain n.
 1. A head, or chief officer; as: (a) The military officer who commands a company, troop, or battery, or who has the rank entitling him to do so though he may be employed on other service. (b) An officer in the United States navy, next above a commander and below a commodore, and ranking with a colonel in the army. (c) By courtesy, an officer actually commanding a vessel, although not having the rank of captain. (d) The master or commanding officer of a merchant vessel. (e) One in charge of a portion of a ship's company; as, a captain of a top, captain of a gun, etc. (f) The foreman of a body of workmen. (g) A person having authority over others acting in concert; as, the captain of a boat's crew; the captain of a football team.
    A trainband captain eke was he.   --Cowper.
    The Rhodian captain, relying on . . . the lightness of his vessel, passed, in open day, through all the guards.   --Arbuthnot.
 2. A military leader; a warrior.
    Foremost captain of his time.   --Tennyson.
 Captain general. (a) The commander in chief of an army or armies, or of the militia. (b) The Spanish governor of Cuba and its dependent islands.
 Captain lieutenant, a lieutenant with the rank and duties of captain but with a lieutenant's pay, -- as in the first company of an English regiment.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Cap·tain v. t. To act as captain of; to lead. [R.]
    Men who captained or accompanied the exodus from existing forms.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Cap·tain, a. Chief; superior. [R.]
    captain jewes in the carcanet.   --Shak.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: an officer holding a rank below a major but above a
      2: the naval officer in command of a military ship [syn: skipper]
      3: a policeman in charge of a precinct [syn: police captain,
         police chief]
      4: an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship [syn:
         master, sea captain, skipper]
      5: the leader of a group of people; "a captain of industry"
         [syn: chieftain]
      6: the pilot ins charge of an airship [syn: senior pilot]
      7: a diningroom attendant who is in charge of the waiters and
         the seating of customers [syn: headwaiter, maitre
         d'hotel, maitre d']
      v : be the captain of a sports team

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    (1.) Heb. sar (1 Sam. 22:2; 2 Sam. 23:19). Rendered "chief,"
    Gen. 40:2; 41:9; rendered also "prince," Dan. 1:7; "ruler,"
    Judg. 9:30; "governor,' 1 Kings 22:26. This same Hebrew word
    denotes a military captain (Ex. 18:21; 2 Kings 1:9; Deut. 1:15;
    1 Sam. 18:13, etc.), the "captain of the body-guard" (Gen.
    37:36; 39:1; 41:10; Jer. 40:1), or, as the word may be rendered,
    "chief of the executioners" (marg.). The officers of the king's
    body-guard frequently acted as executioners. Nebuzar-adan (Jer.
    39:13) and Arioch (Dan. 2:14) held this office in Babylon.
      The "captain of the guard" mentioned in Acts 28:16 was the
    Praetorian prefect, the commander of the Praetorian troops.
      (2.) Another word (Heb. katsin) so translated denotes
    sometimes a military (Josh. 10:24; Judg. 11:6, 11; Isa. 22:3
    "rulers;" Dan. 11:18) and sometimes a civil command, a judge,
    magistrate, Arab. _kady_, (Isa. 1:10; 3:6; Micah 3:1, 9).
      (3.) It is also the rendering of a Hebrew word (shalish)
    meaning "a third man," or "one of three." The LXX. render in
    plural by _tristatai_; i.e., "soldiers fighting from chariots,"
    so called because each war-chariot contained three men, one of
    whom acted as charioteer while the other two fought (Ex. 14:7;
    15:4; 1 Kings 9:22; comp. 2 Kings 9:25). This word is used also
    to denote the king's body-guard (2 Kings 10:25; 1 Chr. 12:18; 2
    Chr. 11:11) or aides-de-camp.
      (4.) The "captain of the temple" mentioned in Acts 4:1 and
    5:24 was not a military officer, but superintendent of the guard
    of priests and Levites who kept watch in the temple by night.
    (Comp. "the ruler of the house of God," 1 Chr. 9:11; 2 Chr.
    31:13; Neh. 11:11.)
      (5.) The Captain of our salvation is a name given to our Lord
    (Heb. 2:10), because he is the author and source of our
    salvation, the head of his people, whom he is conducting to
    glory. The "captain of the Lord's host" (Josh. 5:14, 15) is the
    name given to that mysterious person who manifested himself to
    Abraham (Gen. 12:7), and to Moses in the bush (Ex. 3:2, 6, etc.)
    the Angel of the covenant. (See ANGEL.)