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3 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 town /ˈtaʊn/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Town n.
 1. Formerly: (a) An inclosure which surrounded the mere homestead or dwelling of the lord of the manor. [Obs.] (b) The whole of the land which constituted the domain. [Obs.] (c) A collection of houses inclosed by fences or walls. [Obs.]
 2. Any number or collection of houses to which belongs a regular market, and which is not a city or the see of a bishop. [Eng.]
 3. Any collection of houses larger than a village, and not incorporated as a city; also, loosely, any large, closely populated place, whether incorporated or not, in distinction from the country, or from rural communities.
    God made the country, and man made the town.   --Cowper.
 4. The body of inhabitants resident in a town; as, the town voted to send two representatives to the legislature; the town voted to lay a tax for repairing the highways.
 5. A township; the whole territory within certain limits, less than those of a country. [U. S.]
 6. The court end of London; -- commonly with the.
 7. The metropolis or its inhabitants; as, in winter the gentleman lives in town; in summer, in the country.
    Always hankering after the diversions of the town.   --Addison.
    Stunned with his giddy larum half the town.   --Pope.
 Note:The same form of expressions is used in regard to other populous towns.
 8. A farm or farmstead; also, a court or farmyard. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
 Note:Town is often used adjectively or in combination with other words; as, town clerk, or town-clerk; town-crier, or town crier; townhall, town-hall, or town hall; townhouse, town house, or town-house.
 Syn: -- Village; hamlet. See Village.
 Town clerk, an office who keeps the records of a town, and enters its official proceedings. See Clerk.
 Town cress Bot., the garden cress, or peppergrass. --Dr. Prior.
 Town house. (a) A house in town, in distinction from a house in the country. (b) See Townhouse.
 Town meeting, a legal meeting of the inhabitants of a town entitled to vote, for the transaction of public bisiness. [U. S.]
 Town talk, the common talk of a place; the subject or topic of common conversation.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: an urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a
           city; "they drive through town on their way to work"
      2: an administrative division of a county; "the town is
         responsible for snow removal" [syn: township]
      3: the people living in a municipality smaller than a city;
         "the whole town cheered the team" [syn: townspeople, townsfolk]