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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Priv·i·lege n.
 1. A peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor; a right or immunity not enjoyed by others or by all; special enjoyment of a good, or exemption from an evil or burden; a prerogative; advantage; franchise.
    He pleads the legal privilege of a Roman.   --Kettlewell.
    The privilege birthright was a double portion.   --Locke.
    A people inheriting privileges, franchises, and liberties.   --Burke.
 2. Stockbroker's Cant See Call, Put, Spread, etc.
 Breach of privilege. See under Breach.
 Question of privilege Parliamentary practice, a question which concerns the security of a member of a legislative body in his special privileges as such.
 Water privilege, the advantage of having machinery driven by a stream, or a place affording such advantage. [ U. S.]
 Writ of privilege Law, a writ to deliver a privileged person from custody when arrested in a civil suit. --Blackstone.
 Syn: -- Prerogative; immunity; franchise; right; claim; liberty.
 Usage: -- Privilege, Prerogative. Privilege, among the Romans, was something conferred upon an individual by a private law; and hence, it denotes some peculiar benefit or advantage, some right or immunity, not enjoyed by the world at large. Prerogative, among the Romans, was the right of voting first; and, hence, it denotes a right of precedence, or of doing certain acts, or enjoying certain privileges, to the exclusion of others. It is the privilege of a member of Congress not to be called in question elsewhere for words uttered in debate. It is the prerogative of the president to nominate judges and executive officers. It is the privilege of a Christian child to be instructed in the true religion. It is the prerogative of a parent to govern and direct his children.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Breach n.  .
 1. The act of breaking, in a figurative sense.
 2. Specifically: A breaking or infraction of a law, or of any obligation or tie; violation; non-fulfillment; as, a breach of contract; a breach of promise.
 3. A gap or opening made made by breaking or battering, as in a wall or fortification; the space between the parts of a solid body rent by violence; a break; a rupture.
 Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
 Or close the wall up with our English dead.   --Shak.
 4. A breaking of waters, as over a vessel; the waters themselves; surge; surf.
    The Lord hath broken forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of waters.   --2 Sam. v. 20.
 A clear breach implies that the waves roll over the vessel without breaking.
 A clean breach implies that everything on deck is swept away.
 5. A breaking up of amicable relations; rupture.
 There's fallen between him and my lord
 An unkind breach.   --Shak.
 6. A bruise; a wound.
    Breach for breach, eye for eye.   --Lev. xxiv. 20.
 7. Med. A hernia; a rupture.
 8. A breaking out upon; an assault.
    The Lord had made a breach upon Uzza.   --1. Chron. xiii. 11.
 Breach of falth, a breaking, or a failure to keep, an expressed or implied promise; a betrayal of confidence or trust.
 Breach of peace, disorderly conduct, disturbing the public peace.
 Breach of privilege, an act or default in violation of the privilege or either house of Parliament, of Congress, or of a State legislature, as, for instance, by false swearing before a committee.
 - Breach of promise, violation of one's plighted word, esp. of a promise to marry.
 Breach of trust, violation of one's duty or faith in a matter entrusted to one.
 Syn: -- Rent; cleft; chasm; rift; aperture; gap; break; disruption; fracture; rupture; infraction; infringement; violation; quarrel; dispute; contention; difference; misunderstanding.