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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 jer·o·bo·am /ˌʤɛrəˈboəm/

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: (Old Testament) first king of the northern kingdom of Israel
           who led Israel into sin (10th century BC) [syn: Jeroboam
      2: a large wine bottle (holds 4/5 of a gallon) [syn: double-magnum]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    increase of the people. (1.) The son of Nebat (1 Kings
    11:26-39), "an Ephrathite," the first king of the ten tribes,
    over whom he reigned twenty-two years (B.C. 976-945). He was the
    son of a widow of Zereda, and while still young was promoted by
    Solomon to be chief superintendent of the "burnden", i.e., of
    the bands of forced labourers. Influenced by the words of the
    prophet Ahijah, he began to form conspiracies with the view of
    becoming king of the ten tribes; but these having been
    discovered, he fled to Egypt (1 Kings 11:29-40), where he
    remained for a length of time under the protection of Shishak I.
    On the death of Solomon, the ten tribes, having revolted, sent
    to invite him to become their king. The conduct of Rehoboam
    favoured the designs of Jeroboam, and he was accordingly
    proclaimed "king of Israel" (1 Kings 12: 1-20). He rebuilt and
    fortified Shechem as the capital of his kingdom. He at once
    adopted means to perpetuate the division thus made between the
    two parts of the kingdom, and erected at Dan and Bethel, the two
    extremities of his kingdom, "golden calves," which he set up as
    symbols of Jehovah, enjoining the people not any more to go up
    to worship at Jerusalem, but to bring their offerings to the
    shrines he had erected. Thus he became distinguished as the man
    "who made Israel to sin." This policy was followed by all the
    succeeding kings of Israel.
      While he was engaged in offering incense at Bethel, a prophet
    from Judah appeared before him with a warning message from the
    Lord. Attempting to arrest the prophet for his bold words of
    defiance, his hand was "dried up," and the altar before which he
    stood was rent asunder. At his urgent entreaty his "hand was
    restored him again" (1 Kings 13:1-6, 9; comp. 2 Kings 23:15);
    but the miracle made no abiding impression on him. His reign was
    one of constant war with the house of Judah. He died soon after
    his son Abijah (1 Kings 14:1-18).
      (2.) Jeroboam II., the son and successor of Jehoash, and the
    fourteenth king of Israel, over which he ruled for forty-one
    years, B.C. 825-784 (2 Kings 14:23). He followed the example of
    the first Jeroboam in keeping up the worship of the golden
    calves (2 Kings 14:24). His reign was contemporary with those of
    Amaziah (2 Kings 14:23) and Uzziah (15:1), kings of Judah. He
    was victorious over the Syrians (13:4; 14:26, 27), and extended
    Israel to its former limits, from "the entering of Hamath to the
    sea of the plain" (14:25; Amos 6:14). His reign of forty-one
    years was the most prosperous that Israel had ever known as yet.
    With all this outward prosperity, however, iniquity widely
    prevailed in the land (Amos 2:6-8; 4:1; 6:6; Hos. 4:12-14). The
    prophets Hosea (1:1), Joel (3:16; Amos 1:1, 2), Amos (1:1), and
    Jonah (2 Kings 14:25) lived during his reign. He died, and was
    buried with his ancestors (14:29). He was succeeded by his son
    Zachariah (q.v.).
      His name occurs in Scripture only in 2 Kings 13:13; 14:16, 23,
    27, 28, 29; 15:1, 8; 1 Chr. 5:17; Hos. 1:1; Amos 1:1; 7:9, 10,
    11. In all other passages it is Jeroboam the son of Nebat that
    is meant.

From: Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)

 Jeroboam, he that opposes the people