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11 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 stan·dard /ˈstændɚ/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 stan·dard /ˈstændɝd/ 名詞

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 現金流程報表--兩者; 標準成本

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 現金流程報表--已開立訂單; 標準成本

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 王金流程報表--計劃性; 標準成本

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Stand·ard n.
 1. A flag; colors; a banner; especially, a national or other ensign.
 His armies, in the following day,
 On those fair plains their standards proud display.   --Fairfax.
 2. That which is established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, extent, value, or quality; esp., the original specimen weight or measure sanctioned by government, as the standard pound, gallon, or yard.
 3. That which is established as a rule or model by authority, custom, or general consent; criterion; test.
    The court, which used to be the standard of propriety and correctness of speech.   --Swift.
    A disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve, taken together, would be my standard of a statesman.   --Burke.
 4. Coinage The proportion of weights of fine metal and alloy established by authority.
    By the present standard of the coinage, sixty-two shillings is coined out of one pound weight of silver.   --Arbuthnot.
 5. Hort. A tree of natural size supported by its own stem, and not dwarfed by grafting on the stock of a smaller species nor trained upon a wall or trellis.
    In France part of their gardens is laid out for flowers, others for fruits; some standards, some against walls.   --Sir W. Temple.
 6. Bot. The upper petal or banner of a papilionaceous corolla.
 7. Mech. & Carp. An upright support, as one of the poles of a scaffold; any upright in framing.
 8. Shipbuilding An inverted knee timber placed upon the deck instead of beneath it, with its vertical branch turned upward from that which lies horizontally.
 9. The sheth of a plow.
 10. A large drinking cup.
 Standard bearer, an officer of an army, company, or troop, who bears a standard; -- commonly called color sergeantor color bearer; hence, the leader of any organization; as, the standard bearer of a political party.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Stand·ard, a.
 1. Being, affording, or according with, a standard for comparison and judgment; as, standard time; standard weights and measures; a standard authority as to nautical terms; standard gold or silver.
 2. Hence: Having a recognized and permanent value; as, standard works in history; standard authors.
 3. Hort. (a) Not supported by, or fastened to, a wall; as, standard fruit trees. (b) Not of the dwarf kind; as, a standard pear tree.
 Standard candle, Standard gauge. See under Candle, and Gauge.
 Standard solution. Chem. See Standardized solution, under Solution.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or
             value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted
             kind; "windows of standard width"; "standard sizes";
             "the standard fixtures"; "standard brands"; "standard
             operating procedure" [ant: nonstandard]
      2: commonly used or supplied; "standard procedure"; "standard
         car equipment"
      3: established or widely recognized as a model of authority or
         excellence; "a standard reference work" [ant: nonstandard]
      4: conforming to the established language usage of educated
         native speakers; "standard English" (American); "received
         standard English is sometimes called the King's English"
         (British) [syn: received] [ant: nonstandard]
      5: regularly and widely used or sold; "a standard size"; "a
         stock item" [syn: stock]
      n 1: a basis for comparison; a reference point against which
           other things can be evaluated; "they set the measure for
           all subsequent work" [syn: criterion, measure, touchstone]
      2: the ideal in terms of which something can be judged; "they
         live by the standards of their community" [syn: criterion]
      3: a board measure = 1980 board feet
      4: the value behind the money in a monetary system [syn: monetary
      5: an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support);
         "distance was marked by standards every mile"; "lamps
         supported on standards provided illumination"
      6: any distinctive flag