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2 definitions found

From: Network Terminology

 *發料 發出

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Is·sue, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Issued p. pr. & vb. n. Issuing.]
 1. To pass or flow out; to run out, as from any inclosed place.
    From it issued forced drops of blood.   --Shak.
 2. To go out; to rush out; to sally forth; as, troops issued from the town, and attacked the besiegers.
 3. To proceed, as from a source; as, water issues from springs; light issues from the sun.
 4. To proceed, as progeny; to be derived; to be descended; to spring.
    Of thy sons that shall issue from thee.   --2  Kings xx. 18.
 5. To extend; to pass or open; as, the path issues into the highway.
 6. To be produced as an effect or result; to grow or accrue; to arise; to proceed; as, rents and profits issuing from land, tenements, or a capital stock.
 7. To close; to end; to terminate; to turn out; as, we know not how the cause will issue.
 8. Law In pleading, to come to a point in fact or law, on which the parties join issue.