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7 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 ef·fect /ɪˈfɛkt, ɛ, i-/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 ef·fect /ɪˈfɛkt/ 名詞

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ef·fect v. t. [imp. & p. p. Effected; p. pr. & vb. n. Effecting.]
 1. To produce, as a cause or agent; to cause to be.
    So great a body such exploits to effect.   --Daniel.
 2. To bring to pass; to execute; to enforce; to achieve; to accomplish.
    To effect that which the divine counsels had decreed.   --Bp. Hurd.
    They sailed away without effecting their purpose.   --Jowett (Th. ).
 Syn: -- To accomplish; fulfill; achieve; complete; execute; perform; attain. See Accomplish.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ef·fect n.
 1. Execution; performance; realization; operation; as, the law goes into effect in May.
 That no compunctious visitings of nature
 Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
 The effect and it.   --Shak.
 2. Manifestation; expression; sign.
 All the large effects
 That troop with majesty.   --Shak.
 3. In general: That which is produced by an agent or cause; the event which follows immediately from an antecedent, called the cause; result; consequence; outcome; fruit; as, the effect of luxury.
    The effect is the unfailing index of the amount of the cause.   --Whewell.
 4. Impression left on the mind; sensation produced.
    Patchwork . . . introduced for oratorical effect.   --J. C. Shairp.
    The effect was heightened by the wild and lonely nature of the place.   --W. Irving.
 5. Power to produce results; efficiency; force; importance; account; as, to speak with effect.
 6. Consequence intended; purpose; meaning; general intent; -- with to.
    They spake to her to that effect.   --2 Chron. xxxiv. 22.
 7. The purport; the sum and substance. “The effect of his intent.”
 8. Reality; actual meaning; fact, as distinguished from mere appearance.
    No other in effect than what it seems.   --Denham.
 9. pl. Goods; movables; personal estate; -- sometimes used to embrace real as well as personal property; as, the people escaped from the town with their effects.
 For effect, for an exaggerated impression or excitement.
 In effect, in fact; in substance. See 8, above.
 Of no effect, Of none effect, To no effect, or Without effect, destitute of results, validity, force, and the like; vain; fruitless.  “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition.” --Mark vii. 13. “All my study be to no effect.” --Shak.
 To give effect to, to make valid; to carry out in practice; to push to its results.
 To take effect, to become operative, to accomplish aims.
 Syn: -- Effect, Consequence, Result.
 Usage: These words indicate things which arise out of some antecedent, or follow as a consequent. Effect, which may be regarded as the generic term, denotes that which springs directly from something which can properly be termed a cause. A consequence is more remote, not being strictly caused, nor yet a mere sequence, but following out of and following indirectly, or in the train of events, something on which it truly depends.  A result is still more remote and variable, like the rebound of an elastic body which falls in very different directions. We may foresee the effects of a measure, may conjecture its consequences, but can rarely discover its final results.
 Resolving all events, with their effects
 And manifold results, into the will
 And arbitration wise of the Supreme.   --Cowper.
 Shun the bitter consequence, for know,
 The day thou eatest thereof, . . . thou shalt die.   --Milton.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous
           phenomenon; "the magnetic effect was greater when the
           rod was lengthwise"; "his decision had depressing
           consequences for business"; "he acted very wise after
           the event" [syn: consequence, outcome, result, event,
            issue, upshot]
      2: an outward appearance; "he made a good impression"; "I
         wanted to create an impression of success"; "she retained
         that bold effect in her reproductions of the original
         painting" [syn: impression]
      3: (of a law) having legal validity; "the law is still in
         effect" [syn: force]
      4: a symptom caused by an illness or a drug; "the effects of
         sleep loss"; "the effect of the anesthetic"
      5: an impression (especially one that is artificial or
         contrived); "he just did it for effect"
      6: the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
         [syn: essence, burden, core, gist]
      v 1: produce; "The scientists set up a shockwave" [syn: effectuate,
            bring about, set up]
      2: act so as to bring into existence; "effect a change"