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3 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典


From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj : functioning correctly and ready for action; "all systems are
            go" [ant: no-go]
      n 1: a time for working (after which you will be relieved by
           someone else); "it's my go"; "a spell of work" [syn: spell,
            tour, turn]
      2: street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine [syn: Adam,
          ecstasy, XTC, disco biscuit, cristal, X, hug
      3: a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it
         a whirl" [syn: crack, fling, pass, whirl, offer]
      4: a board game for two players who place counters on a grid;
         the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's
         counters [syn: go game]
      v 1: change location; move, travel, or proceed; "How fast does
           your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by
           bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for
           the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an
           attempt to take it before night fell" [syn: travel, move,
            locomote] [ant: stay in place]
      2: follow a procedure or take a course; "We should go farther
         in this matter"; "She went through a lot of trouble"; "go
         about the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go
         through diplomatic channels" [syn: proceed, move]
      3: move away from a place into another direction; "Go away
         before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon" [syn:
         go away, depart] [ant: come]
      4: enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became
         annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting
         more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "She went
         into ecstasy"; "Get going!" [syn: become, get]
      5: be awarded; be allotted; "The first prize goes to Mary";
         "Her money went on clothes"
      6: have a particular form; "the story or argument runs as
         follows"; "as the saying goes..." [syn: run]
      7: stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or
         extend between two points or beyond a certain point;
         "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge
         doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth
         year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of
         her personal assets" [syn: run, pass, lead, extend]
      8: follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how
         did your interview go?" [syn: proceed]
      9: be abolished or discarded; "These ugly billboards have to
         go!"; "These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge"
      10: be or continue to be in a certain condition; "The children
          went hungry that day"
      11: make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun
          went `bang'" [syn: sound]
      12: perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't
          go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run
          well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore" [syn: function,
           work, operate, run] [ant: malfunction]
      13: to be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few
          days"; "Gas is running low at the gas stations in the
          Midwest" [syn: run low, run short]
      14: progress by being changed; "The speech has to go through
          several more drafts"; "run through your presentation
          before the meeting" [syn: move, run]
      15: continue to live; endure or last; "We went without water and
          food for 3 days"; "These superstitions survive in the
          backwaters of America"; "The racecar driver lived through
          several very serious accidents" [syn: survive, last,
          live, live on, endure, hold up, hold out]
      16: pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or
          action; "How is it going?"; "The day went well until I
          got your call"
      17: pass from physical life and lose all all bodily attributes
          and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from
          cancer"; "They children perished in the fire"; "The
          patient went peacefully" [syn: die, decease, perish,
           exit, pass away, expire, pass] [ant: be born]
      18: be in the right place or situation; "Where do these books
          belong?"; "Let's put health care where it belongs--under
          the control of the government"; "Where do these books
          go?" [syn: belong]
      19: be ranked or compare; "This violinist is as good as
          Juilliard-trained violinists go"
      20: begin or set in motion; "I start at eight in the morning";
          "Ready, set, go!" [syn: start, get going] [ant: stop]
      21: have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?"
          [syn: move]
      22: be contained in; "How many times does 18 go into 54?"
      23: be sounded, played, or expressed; "How does this song go
      24: blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in
          your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs" [syn: blend,
           blend in]
      25: lead, extend, or afford access; "This door goes to the
          basement"; "The road runs South" [syn: lead]
      26: be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired;
          "This piece won't fit into the puzzle" [syn: fit]
      27: go through in search of something; search through someone's
          belongings in an unauthorized way; "Who rifled through my
          desk drawers?" [syn: rifle]
      28: be spent; "All my money went for food and rent"
      29: give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group
          or number; "I plumped for the losing candidates" [syn: plump]
      30: stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went";
          "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in
          broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke";
          "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight
          went after the accident" [syn: fail, go bad, give
          way, die, give out, conk out, break, break down]
      [also: went, gone, goes (pl)]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      See go