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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 de·crease /dɪˈkris, ˈdiˌ/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 De·crease v. i. [imp. & p. p. Decreased p. pr. & vb. n. Decreasing.]  To grow less, -- opposed to increase; to be diminished gradually, in size, degree, number, duration, etc., or in strength, quality, or excellence; as, they days decrease in length from June to December.
    He must increase, but I must decrease.   --John iii. 30.
 Syn: -- To Decrease, Diminish.
 Usage: Things usually decrease or fall off by degrees, and from within, or through some cause which is imperceptible; as, the flood decreases; the cold decreases; their affection has decreased. Things commonly diminish by an influence from without, or one which is apparent; as, the army was diminished by disease; his property is diminishing through extravagance; their affection has diminished since their separation their separation. The turn of thought, however, is often such that these words may be interchanged.
 The olive leaf, which certainly them told
 The flood decreased.   --Drayton.
 Crete's ample fields diminish to our eye;
 Before the Boreal blasts the vessels fly.   --Pope.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 De·crease, v. t. To cause to grow less; to diminish gradually; as, extravagance decreases one's means.
    That might decrease their present store.   --Prior.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 De·crease, n.
 1. A becoming less; gradual diminution; decay; as, a decrease of revenue or of strength.
 2. The wane of the moon.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a change downward; "there was a decrease in his temperature
           as the fever subsided"; "there was a sharp drop-off in
           sales" [syn: lessening, drop-off] [ant: increase]
      2: a process of becoming smaller or shorter [syn: decrement]
         [ant: increase, increase]
      3: the amount by which something decreases [syn: decrement]
         [ant: increase]
      4: the act of decreasing or reducing something [syn: diminution,
          reduction, step-down] [ant: increase]
      v 1: decrease in size, extent, or range; "The amount of homework
           decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin
           pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fall to under a
           hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper" [syn: diminish,
            lessen, fall] [ant: increase]
      2: make smaller; "He decreased his staff" [syn: lessen, minify]
         [ant: increase]