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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Saw, n.  An instrument for cutting or dividing substances, as wood, iron, etc., consisting of a thin blade, or plate, of steel, with a series of sharp teeth on the edge, which remove successive portions of the material by cutting and tearing.
 Note:Saw is frequently used adjectively, or as the first part of a compound.
 Band saw, Crosscut saw, etc. See under Band, Crosscut, etc.
 Circular saw, a disk of steel with saw teeth upon its periphery, and revolved on an arbor.
 Saw bench, a bench or table with a flat top for for sawing, especially with a circular saw which projects above the table.
 Saw file, a three-cornered file, such as is used for sharpening saw teeth.
 Saw frame, the frame or sash in a sawmill, in which the saw, or gang of saws, is held.
 Saw gate, a saw frame.
 Saw gin, the form of cotton gin invented by Eli Whitney, in which the cotton fibers are drawn, by the teeth of a set of revolving circular saws, through a wire grating which is too fine for the seeds to pass.
 Saw grass Bot., any one of certain cyperaceous plants having the edges of the leaves set with minute sharp teeth, especially the Cladium Mariscus of Europe, and the Cladium effusum of the Southern United States. Cf. Razor grass, under Razor.
 Saw log, a log of suitable size for sawing into lumber.
 Saw mandrel, a mandrel on which a circular saw is fastened for running.
 Saw pit, a pit over which timbor is sawed by two men, one standing below the timber and the other above. --Mortimer.
 Saw sharpener Zool., the great titmouse; -- so named from its harsh call note. [Prov. Eng.]
 Saw whetter Zool., the marsh titmouse (Parus palustris); -- so named from its call note. [Prov. Eng.]
 Scroll saw, a ribbon of steel with saw teeth upon one edge, stretched in a frame and adapted for sawing curved outlines; also, a machine in which such a saw is worked by foot or power.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Band n.
 1. A fillet, strap, or any narrow ligament with which a thing is encircled, or fastened, or by which a number of things are tied, bound together, or confined; a fetter.
    Every one's bands were loosed.   --Acts xvi. 26.
 2. Arch. (a) A continuous tablet, stripe, or series of ornaments, as of carved foliage, of color, or of brickwork, etc. (b) In Gothic architecture, the molding, or suite of moldings, which encircles the pillars and small shafts.
 3. That which serves as the means of union or connection between persons; a tie. “To join in Hymen's bands.”
 4. A linen collar or ruff worn in the 16th and 17th centuries.
 5. pl. Two strips of linen hanging from the neck in front as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dress.
 6. A narrow strip of cloth or other material on any article of dress, to bind, strengthen, ornament, or complete it. Band and gusset and seam.”
 7. A company of persons united in any common design, especially a body of armed men.
    Troops of horsemen with his bands of foot.   --Shak.
 8. A number of musicians who play together upon portable musical instruments, especially those making a loud sound, as certain wind instruments (trumpets, clarinets, etc.), and drums, or cymbals; as, a high school's marching band.
 9. Bot. A space between elevated lines or ribs, as of the fruits of umbelliferous plants.
 10. Zool. A stripe, streak, or other mark transverse to the axis of the body.
 11. Mech. A belt or strap.
 12. A bond. [Obs.] “Thy oath and band.”
 13. Pledge; security. [Obs.]
 Band saw, a saw in the form of an endless steel belt, with teeth on one edge, running over wheels.
 big band, a band that is the size of an orchestra, usually playing mostly jazz or swing music.  The big band typically features both ensemble and solo playing, sometimes has a lead singer, and is often located in a night club where the patrons may dance to its music.  The big bands were popular from the late 1920's to the 1940's.  Contrasted with combo, which has fewer players.