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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 mu·sic /ˈmjuzɪk/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Mu·sic n.
 1. The science and the art of tones, or musical sounds, i. e., sounds of higher or lower pitch, begotten of uniform and synchronous vibrations, as of a string at various degrees of tension; the science of harmonical tones which treats of the principles of harmony, or the properties, dependences, and relations of tones to each other; the art of combining tones in a manner to please the ear.
 Note:Not all sounds are tones. Sounds may be unmusical and yet please the ear. Music deals with tones, and with no other sounds. See Tone.
 2. (a) Melody; a rhythmical and otherwise agreeable succession of tones. (b) Harmony; an accordant combination of simultaneous tones.
 3. The written and printed notation of a musical composition; the score.
 4. Love of music; capacity of enjoying music.
 The man that hath no music in himself
 Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
 Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils.   --Shak.
 5. Zool. A more or less musical sound made by many of the lower animals. See Stridulation.
 Magic music, a game in which a person is guided in finding a hidden article, or in doing a specific act required, by music which is made more loud or rapid as he approaches success, and slower as he recedes.  It is similar to the game of hot and cold, but using music as the clue. --Tennyson.
 Music box. See Musical box, under Musical.
 Music hall, a place for public musical entertainments.
 Music loft, a gallery for musicians, as in a dancing room or a church.
 Music of the spheres, the harmony supposed to be produced by the accordant movement of the celestial spheres.
 Music paper, paper ruled with the musical staff, for the use of composers and copyists.
 Music pen, a pen for ruling at one time the five lines of the musical staff.
 Music shell Zool., a handsomely colored marine gastropod shell (Voluta musica) found in the East Indies; -- so called because the color markings often resemble printed music. Sometimes applied to other shells similarly marked.
 To face the music, to meet any disagreeable necessity, such as a reprimand for an error or misdeed, without flinching. [Colloq. or Slang]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating
           instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and
           continuous manner
      2: any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds; "he fell
         asleep to the music of the wind chimes" [syn: euphony]
      3: musical activity (singing or whistling etc.); "his music was
         his central interest"
      4: (music) the sounds produced by singers or musical
         instruments (or reproductions of such sounds)
      5: punishment for one's actions; "you have to face the music";
         "take your medicine" [syn: medicine]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    Jubal was the inventor of musical instruments (Gen. 4:21). The
    Hebrews were much given to the cultivation of music. Their whole
    history and literature afford abundant evidence of this. After
    the Deluge, the first mention of music is in the account of
    Laban's interview with Jacob (Gen. 31:27). After their triumphal
    passage of the Red Sea, Moses and the children of Israel sang
    their song of deliverance (Ex. 15).
      But the period of Samuel, David, and Solomon was the golden
    age of Hebrew music, as it was of Hebrew poetry. Music was now
    for the first time systematically cultivated. It was an
    essential part of training in the schools of the prophets (1
    Sam. 10:5; 19:19-24; 2 Kings 3:15; 1 Chr. 25:6). There now arose
    also a class of professional singers (2 Sam. 19:35; Eccl. 2:8).
    The temple, however, was the great school of music. In the
    conducting of its services large bands of trained singers and
    players on instruments were constantly employed (2 Sam. 6:5; 1
    Chr. 15; 16; 23;5; 25:1-6).
      In private life also music seems to have held an important
    place among the Hebrews (Eccl. 2:8; Amos 6:4-6; Isa. 5:11, 12;
    24:8, 9; Ps. 137; Jer. 48:33; Luke 15:25).