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11 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 one /ˈwʌn/
 一,任何人 一,一個(a.)一致的,完整的

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 一對一( 一條源語指令變為一條機器語言指令 )

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 一對一; 一對一( 的 )( 一一對應 )

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From: Network Terminology

 一 單

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 One indef. pron. Any person, indefinitely; a person or body; as, what one would have well done, one should do one's self.
    It was well worth one's while.   --Hawthorne.
    Against this sort of condemnation one must steel one's self as one best can.   --G. Eliot.
 Note: One is often used with some, any, no, each, every, such, a, many a, another, the other, etc. It is sometimes joined with another, to denote a reciprocal relation.
    When any one heareth the word.   --Matt. xiii. 19.
    She knew every one who was any one in the land of Bohemia.   --Compton Reade.
    The Peloponnesians and the Athenians fought against one another.   --Jowett (Thucyd. ).
    The gentry received one another.   --Thackeray.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 One a.
 1. Being a single unit, or entire being or thing, and no more; not multifold; single; individual.
    The dream of Pharaoh is one.   --Gen. xli. 25.
 O that we now had here
 But one ten thousand of those men in England.   --Shak.
 2. Denoting a person or thing conceived or spoken of indefinitely; a certain. “I am the sister of one Claudio” [--Shak.], that is, of a certain man named Claudio.
 3. Pointing out a contrast, or denoting a particular thing or person different from some other specified; -- used as a correlative adjective, with or without the.
    From the one side of heaven unto the other.   --Deut. iv. 32.
 4. Closely bound together; undivided; united; constituting a whole.
    The church is therefore one, though the members may be many.   --Bp. Pearson
 5. Single in kind; the same; a common.
    One plague was on you all, and on your lords.   --1 Sam. vi. 4.
 6. Single; unmarried. [Obs.]
    Men may counsel a woman to be one.   --Chaucer.
 Note:One is often used in forming compound words, the meaning of which is obvious; as, one-armed, one-celled, one-eyed, one-handed, one-hearted, one-horned, one-idead, one-leaved, one-masted, one-ribbed, one-story, one-syllable, one-stringed, one-winged, etc.
 All one, of the same or equal nature, or consequence; all the same; as, he says that it is all one what course you take. --Shak.
 One day. (a) On a certain day, not definitely specified, referring to time past.
 One day when Phoebe fair,
 With all her band, was following the chase.   --Spenser.
 (b) Referring to future time: At some uncertain day or period in the future; some day.
    Well, I will marry one day.   --Shak.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 One, n.
 1. A single unit; as, one is the base of all numbers.
 2. A symbol representing a unit, as 1, or i.
 3. A single person or thing. “The shining ones.” --Bunyan. “Hence, with your little ones.”
    He will hate the one, and love the other.   --Matt. vi. 24.
    That we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.   --Mark x. 37.
 After one, after one fashion; alike. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
 At one, in agreement or concord. See At one, in the Vocab.
 Ever in one, continually; perpetually; always. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
 In one, in union; in a single whole.
 One and one, One by one, singly; one at a time; one after another. “Raising one by one the suppliant crew.” --Dryden.
 one on one contesting an opponent individually; -- in a contest.
 go one on one, to contest one opponent by oneself; -- in a game, esp. basketball.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 One, v. t. To cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite; to assimilite. [Obs.]
    The rich folk that embraced and oned all their heart to treasure of the world.   --Chaucer.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: used of a single unit or thing; not two or more; "`ane' is
             Scottish" [syn: 1, i, ane]
      2: particular but unspecified; "early one evening" [syn: one(a)]
      3: having the indivisible character of a unit; "a unitary
         action"; "spoke with one voice" [syn: one(a), unitary]
      4: of the same kind or quality; "two animals of one species"
         [syn: one(a)]
      5: used informally as an intensifier; "that is one fine dog"
         [syn: one(a)]
      6: indefinite in time or position; "he will come one day"; "one
         place or another" [syn: one(a)]
      7: being the single appropriate individual of a kind; only;
         "the one horse that could win this race"; "the one person
         I could marry" [syn: one(a)]
      8: being one in number--a single unit or thing; "one person is
         going"; "her one thought was to win"; "I'm just one player
         on the team"; "one day is just like the next"; "seen one
         horse and you've seen them all" [syn: one(a)]
      9: being a single entity made by combining separate components;
         "three chemicals combining into one solution"
      10: eminent beyond or above comparison; "matchless beauty"; "the
          team's nonpareil center fielder"; "she's one girl in a
          million"; "the one and only Muhammad Ali"; "a peerless
          scholar"; "infamy unmatched in the Western world"; "wrote
          with unmatchable clarity"; "unrivaled mastery of her art"
          [syn: matchless, nonpareil, one(a), one and
          only(a), peerless, unmatched, unmatchable, unrivaled,
      n 1: the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this
           number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to
           go with it"; "they had lunch at one" [syn: 1, I, ace,
            single, unity]
      2: a single person or thing; "he is the best one"; "this is the
         one I ordered"