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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 Phil·ip /ˈfɪləp/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Phil·ip n.  Zool. (a) The European hedge sparrow. (b) The house sparrow. Called also phip. [Prov. Eng.]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n : Englishman and husband of Elizabeth II (born 1921) [syn: Prince
          Philip, Duke of Edinburgh]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    lover of horses. (1.) One of the twelve apostles; a native of
    Bethsaida, "the city of Andrew and Peter" (John 1:44). He
    readily responded to the call of Jesus when first addressed to
    him (43), and forthwith brought Nathanael also to Jesus (45,46).
    He seems to have held a prominent place among the apostles
    (Matt. 10:3; Mark 3:18; John 6:5-7; 12:21, 22; 14:8, 9; Acts
    1:13). Of his later life nothing is certainly known. He is said
    to have preached in Phrygia, and to have met his death at
      (2.) One of the "seven" (Acts 6:5), called also "the
    evangelist" (21:8, 9). He was one of those who were "scattered
    abroad" by the persecution that arose on the death of Stephen.
    He went first to Samaria, where he laboured as an evangelist
    with much success (8:5-13). While he was there he received a
    divine command to proceed toward the south, along the road
    leading from Jerusalem to Gaza. These towns were connected by
    two roads. The one Philip was directed to take was that which
    led through Hebron, and thence through a district little
    inhabited, and hence called "desert." As he travelled along this
    road he was overtaken by a chariot in which sat a man of
    Ethiopia, the eunuch or chief officer of Queen Candace, who was
    at that moment reading, probably from the Septuagint version, a
    portion of the prophecies of Isaiah (53:6,7). Philip entered
    into conversation with him, and expounded these verses,
    preaching to him the glad tidings of the Saviour. The eunuch
    received the message and believed, and was forthwith baptized,
    and then "went on his way rejoicing." Philip was instantly
    caught away by the Spirit after the baptism, and the eunuch saw
    him no more. He was next found at Azotus, whence he went forth
    in his evangelistic work till he came to Caesarea. He is not
    mentioned again for about twenty years, when he is still found
    at Caesarea (Acts 21:8) when Paul and his companions were on the
    way to Jerusalem. He then finally disappears from the page of
      (3.) Mentioned only in connection with the imprisonment of
    John the Baptist (Matt. 14:3; Mark 6:17; Luke 3:19). He was the
    son of Herod the Great, and the first husband of Herodias, and
    the father of Salome. (See HEROD PHILIP I. T0001763)
      (4.) The "tetrarch of Ituraea" (Luke 3:1); a son of Herod the
    Great, and brother of Herod Antipas. The city of
    Caesarea-Philippi was named partly after him (Matt. 16:13; Mark
    8:27). (See HEROD PHILIP II. T0001764)

From: Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)

 Philip, warlike; a lover of horses