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2 definitions found

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    a city, the modern Tubarich, on the western shore of the Sea of
    Tiberias. It is said to have been founded by Herod Antipas (A.D.
    16), on the site of the ruins of an older city called Rakkath,
    and to have been thus named by him after the Emperor Tiberius.
    It is mentioned only three times in the history of our Lord
    (John 6:1,23; 21:1).
      In 1837 about one-half of the inhabitants perished by an
    earthquake. The population of the city is now about six
    thousand, nearly the one-half being Jews. "We do not read that
    our Lord ever entered this city. The reason of this is probably
    to be found in the fact that it was practically a heathen city,
    though standing upon Jewish soil. Herod, its founder, had
    brought together the arts of Greece, the idolatry of Rome, and
    the gross lewdness of Asia. There were in it a theatre for the
    performance of comedies, a forum, a stadium, a palace roofed
    with gold in imitation of those in Italy, statues of the Roman
    gods, and busts of the deified emperors. He who was not sent but
    to the lost sheep of the house of Israel might well hold himself
    aloof from such scenes as these" (Manning's Those Holy Fields).
      After the fall of Jerusalem (A.D. 70), Tiberias became one of
    the chief residences of the Jews in Palestine. It was for more
    than three hundred years their metropolis. From about A.D. 150
    the Sanhedrin settled here, and established rabbinical schools,
    which rose to great celebrity. Here the Jerusalem (or
    Palestinian) Talmud was compiled about the beginning of the
    fifth century. To this same rabbinical school also we are
    indebted for the Masora, a "body of traditions which transmitted
    the readings of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, and
    preserved, by means of the vowel-system, the pronunciation of
    the Hebrew." In its original form, and in all manuscripts, the
    Hebrew is written without vowels; hence, when it ceased to be a
    spoken language, the importance of knowing what vowels to insert
    between the consonants. This is supplied by the Masora, and
    hence these vowels are called the "Masoretic vowel-points."

From: Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)

 Tiberias, good vision; the navel